Roshini Kempadoo
Roshini Kempadoo is a London based Photographer, Media Artist, and Reader in Media Practice at the School of Arts and Digital Industries, University of East London. She researches, creates artworks and writes on postcolonialism, memory and archives, the Caribbean (Trinidad and Guyana), digital media, and black visual culture as it relates to the United Kingdom, Caribbean and United States. Recent exhibitions include: 28 Days: Reimagining Black History Month, (2012) Justina M. Barnicke Gallery and Georgia Scherman Projects, Toronto; Wrestling with the Image: Caribbean Interventions (2011) Washington DC; Liminal: A question of position (2009) Rivington Place, London; and Roshini Kempadoo work: 1990 – 2004, (2004) Pitzhanger Manor and Gallery, London. Kempadoo regularly publishes her research including a recent chapter in Thornham, H. & Weissmann, E. (eds.) Renewing Feminism: Radical Narratives, Fantasies and Futures in Media Studies (2013) and the article ‘Interpolating screen bytes: Critical commentary in multimedia artworks’, Journal of Media Practice, 11(1) (2011). She developed and co-convenes the Stuart Hall Library Research Network having been in the role as the 1st Stuart Hall Library Animateur (2012-13), Iniva, Rivington Place.