Sheila Stuart
Sheila Stuart attained a BA (Hons.) degree in Sociology from the University of Reading, United Kingdom, and an MA in Caribbean Studies focusing on Women and Development, from the University of Warwick also in the United Kingdom. Ms. Stuart has had a varied professional career in research and development, human rights, gender and development and social development, spanning some four decades. She had early careers as a journalist, as an Administrative Assistant and Research Fellow with the University of the West Indies Institute of Social and Economic Research (Now SALISES), Coordinator of the regional NGO Caribbean Rights; and Director of the Bureau of Gender Affairs, government of Barbados. Ms Stuart recently retired from the United Nations Secretariat, where she was employed as a Social Development specialist at the Caribbean headquarters of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) based in the Trinidad. Ms. Stuart provided technical assistance, training in capacity building and policy advice to Caribbean governments in a number of areas, including gender and development, statistics, disability issues and population and development. She has undertaken research and written a number of papers and articles on the Caribbean family, gender and development and social development issues.