
Mariana Meriqui Rodrigues

Mariana Meriqui Rodrigues

Mariana Meriqui Rodrigues is a Sapatão and feminist activist who has been working with teacher training of public education network and public security agents for gender, sexuality, and ethnic-racial diversity in Brazil since 2009. From 2014 to 2016 she worked on a project of mapping the political participation of feminist lesbians in social movements in Argentina, Colombia, Uruguay, and Brazil. She is part of Liga Brasileira de Lésbicas and is currently finishing her master’s degree in Latin American Studies at the University of Florida. She holds a Master's degree in Education from the Federal University of Tocantins, Brazil (2016). Specialist in Gender and Sexuality by the Latin American Center for Sexuality and Human Rights - CLAM / State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2011) and in Management of Non-Governmental Organizations by Presbyterian University Mackenzie, São Paulo, Brazil (2007). She holds a bachelor’s degree in International Relations from the Ibero-American University Center (2006). She was a member of the Advisory Group on Civil Society of the UN Women Brazil (2015-2017). And she is also part of the LGBT Coalition that operates within the Organization of American States (OAS). She is interested in and works with Feminism, International Relations, Social Movements, Gender, Sexuality, Latin American Studies, Human Rights, Sexual and Reproductive Rights, Public Security, Public Policies, and Education.