
Andrea Davis

Andrea Davis

Dr. Andrea A. Davis is Associate Professor in Black Cultures of the Americas, Coordinator of the Black Canadian Studies Certificate, and Chair of the Department of Humanities at York University in Toronto. She also holds cross-appointments in the graduate programs in English; Interdisciplinary Studies; and Gender, Feminist and Women’s Studies. Her research on Black women’s fictional writing and constructions of gender has been published widely in journals such as Atlantis: Critical Studies in Gender, Culture, and Social Justice; Canadian Woman Studies; Caribbean Quarterly; Caribbean Review of Gender Studies; Journal of Canadian Studies; Journal of Education and Development in the Caribbean; and Topia: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies. She is currently working on a book manuscript, Horizon, Sea, Sound: A Post-Diaspora Critique of the Nation (Northwestern UP) that theorizes the complex ways in which Caribbean and African women in Canada negotiate and contest patriarchal and imperial definitions of the nation.