Akim Ade Larcher
Akim Adé Larcher, is currently the Director of Policy & Research at Egale Canada, a national LGBT human rights organization that focuses on advancing, equality, diversity, education, and justice. Akim maintains Egale Canada’s commitment to an intersectional approach by recognizing the linkages between different forms of oppression: for example, based on race, sex, class, religion, (dis)ability, age, gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation. He is a current board member of the Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention, the International Lesbian & Gay Association (ILGA), the founder of Stop Murder Music (Canada), and a member of the Advisory Committee for the LGBT Rights Program with Human Rights Watch. He is also the Founder of the Queer African and Caribbean Advisory Group (QACAG), a think tank of queers working on issues locally, nationally and internationally. His primary focus and concern lies in the discussion and development of sexual citizenship through transnational advocacy interventions. Akim is a 2008 Gordon Global Fellow sponsored by the Walter & Duncan Gordon Foundation. This fellowship is awarded to emerging young Canadian leaders who have proven their commitment to and passion for enhancing Canada’s role in global politics. Akim’s fellowship investigated how Canada’s foreign aid can be used to advance a rights-based approach to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex issues in the Caribbean.