SEMESTER II, 2019/2020

Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the resultant disruption to Final Examinations and the move to alternative Final Assessment, the following instructions to Candidates are hereby submitted for your immediate guidance. These instructions are to be read in conjunction with the 2018/2019 University Assessment Regulations for First Degrees and Associates Degrees, Undergraduate Diplomas and Certificates, GPA and Plagiarism Regulations. These instructions are a supplement to the referenced regulations.

  1. Candidates are required to familiarize themselves with the 2018/2019 University Assessment Regulations for First Degrees and Associates Degrees, Undergraduate Diplomas and Certificates, GPA and Plagiarism Regulations. These Regulations may be found at

  2. It is the responsibility of each candidate to ascertain the dates and times of the assessment(s) for which he/she is registered. Candidates have been informed of the release/start dates and times of assignments and submission/due dates and times of assignments for Final Assessment by means of the publication of the official Final Assessment Timetable, two weeks before the start date of Final Assessment for Semester II, 2019/2020.  Assessments schedules shall be accessed through your secure area after logging on to The time on the Final Assessment Timetable is posted in Eastern Caribbean Time (local Trinidad and Tobago time).

  3. Candidates who do not submit assignments due to a mis-reading of the Final Assessment Timetable shall be liable to the penalties for absence from an assessment and will have to await the next officially scheduled sitting to take the assessment.

  4. Candidates who do not see a course appearing on their individual Final Assessment Timetable and for which they have been attending the classes, must contact the Admissions Section, Student Affairs at and, for postgraduate courses, contact the Postgraduate Office at at the Office of the Campus Registrar immediately to resolve their registration issues.

  5. Candidates who do not receive a note on their individual Final Assessment Timetable indicating Financial Clearance for the period up to June 20, 2020 must contact Student Accounts and Receivables, Bursary immediately to resolve any financial issues. Please visit to for contact information regarding your specific Faculty representative at the Bursary.

  6. Where the performance of a candidate in any part of any assessment is likely to have been affected by factors of which the Examiners have no knowledge, or where the candidate is absent from the assessment due to such factors, the candidate may report the circumstances in writing to the Campus Registrar. If the candidate decides to report such circumstances, he/she must do so within seven days of that part of the assessment, which may have been affected. Candidates who encounter technical challenges in attempting Final Assessments shall contact their Lecturer, Head of Department, Deputy Dean (Student Affairs) or Dean via your official UWI email.

  7. Candidates who have queries regarding the Final Assessment Timetable shall contact the Examinations Section, Student Affairs, Office of the Campus Registrar by emailing the following Faculty specific Officers:

         (ALJGSB) – Lisa Hernandez at


  1. Candidates should access the Final Assessment assignments in the Learning Management System (myElearning) at the scheduled date and time of the assignment in accordance with the Final Assessment Timetable. Candidates who access the assignment late shall not be allowed extra time to complete the assignment.

  2. Unless otherwise permitted, Candidates are required to access Final Assessment Question Papers in the myElearning Platform ONLY. Assessments and any relevant supplementary materials are programmed to become visible on the date and time listed on the assessments timetable.

    Your exam paper will not be visible to you before the scheduled release. If you are still unable to view your exam paper after the date and time on the Final Assessment Timetable, please contact the Examinations Section.

  3. Unless otherwise permitted, queries regarding the Question Paper with respect to lack of clarity of a question asked, suspected errors on the Question Paper or lack of clarity relevant to the instructions given to complete the assignment shall be posted on the “Examination Queries Only” forum in myElearning. Candidates shall not email queries related to the Question Paper to the Examiners, Lecturers, Teaching Assistants, Tutors or any other related person.

  4. Candidates shall monitor the “Examination Queries Only” forum in myElearning for responses to queries on the Question Paper. Responses would be posted to the forum mainly (but not limited to) 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. daily, Monday to Saturday.

  5. Unless otherwise permitted, Candidates are required to submit answer scripts in the myElearning Platform ONLY. Submissions via any unauthorised platforms or modes would not be accepted for marking.

  6. Unless otherwise permitted, assignments may be uploaded in MS Word format or as a PDF document.

  7. Candidates shall write their UWI identification number and not their names using permanent ink, distinctly on the cover/front page of each assignment. Candidates shall not write their names anywhere on the answer script.

  8. Unless otherwise permitted, assignments must be uploaded as Turnitin assignments with the accompanying similarity reports.

  9. Unless otherwise permitted, assignments must be submitted with the Plagiarism Declaration Form available in myElearning.

  10. Assessments will be required to be completed over a prescribed period and the assessment attempt must be your own work. This means that as a candidate, you must not interact with another person, either face to face, by telephone or utilizing electronic devices capable of sending or receiving messages on the internet inclusive of messaging applications, chat rooms, on social media, or using websites designed for the purpose of offering unauthorized assistance.

    This also means not discussing any Final Assessments with associates, friends, relatives, current or past students of this or any other University before the end of the relevant assignment window.

  11. Candidates shall receive an automated receipt via email indicating successful submission of assignments in myElearning. A separate receipt would be sent from the Examinations Section to the Candidate for submission of assignments in other approved platforms such as Schoology.

  12. Candidates who are writing assessments under special conditions may be permitted as approved by the Chair, Campus Committee on Examinations, to use assistive aids and/or may be granted extra time to complete assignments. Any approved accommodation will be communicated through the Student Life and Development Department.


Assistant Registrar,
Examinations Section,
Student Affairs,
Office of the Campus Registrar,
May 20, 2020

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