Become a professional in this cutting-Edge Field. Develop skills and competencies to work with clinical staff in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of diseases. Improve the efficiency of Healthcare services.

The Postgraduate Certificate and Diploma programmes in Medical Radiation Science comprise core courses in Medical Physics, which can facilitate transitioning into the field of Medical Physics. Both programmes comprise courses that are delivered over two and five semesters respectively. These courses have been packaged using the guidelines from the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Physics Education Programme (CAMPEP). The Mission of the CAMPEP is to promote consistent quality education of medical physicists by evaluating and accrediting graduate, residency and continuing education programs.

The certificate and diploma are designed for recent graduates and suitably qualified working professionals seeking to upgrade their qualifications for work in local and regional government or private health institutions. In addition, the program will allow qualified individuals who have obtained undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in Physics, Engineering or a related field with a physics minor equivalent background to transition into a career in medical physics. One important objective of the postgraduate programmes is to give suitably qualified individuals basic didactic coursework training in the core medical radiation science topics.

This Certificate and Diploma programmes will provide graduates with the ability to apply science and select appropriate technologies for the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of disease. The last 10 years have seen an increased national focus on oncology and this will certainly have an impact regarding the demand for expertise in radiation therapy and diagnostic imaging. Future careers in the allied health areas are expected to be a major area of growth in the 21st century and as such the education of Medical Radiation Scientists, Biomedical Engineers, and Medical Physicists must keep abreast of the changes in such a way as to prepare the future professional to make the best possible contribution to the health and standard of living of both patients and staff in the various work environments in which they may find themselves. Many different titles are used to identify those careers in which physical scientists work in the medical or biological sectors.







SEMESTER 1 (9 credits)

BIPH 6101 Human Anatomy & Physiology (3 cr.)

BIPH 6103 Workplace: Safety and Protection (3 cr.)  

BIPH 6108 Nuclear and Atomic Physics (3 cr.)

SEMESTER 1 YEAR 1 (6 credits or 9 credits)

BIPH 6101 Human Anatomy & Physiology (3 cr.)

BIPH 6108 Nuclear and Atomic Physics (3 cr.)

BIPH 6103* Workplace: Safety and Protection (3 cr.)

SEMESTER 2 (9 credits)

BIPH 6104 Radiation Physics & Dosimetry I (3 cr.)

BIPH 6105 Radiation Biology (3 cr.)

BIPH 6106 Radiation Oncology (3 cr.) or   

BIPH 6107 Biomedical Imaging (3 cr.)

SEMESTER 2 YEAR 1 (6 credits)

BIPH 6104 Radiation Physics & Dosimetry I (3 cr.)

BIPH 6105 Radiation Biology (3 cr.)



BIPH 6102 Numerical Methods for Biomedical Applications (3 cr.)  


SEMESTER 1 YEAR 2 (3 credits or 5 credits)

MDPH 6150 Biomedical Statistics and Informatics (2 cr.)

BIPH 6103* Workplace: Safety and Protection (3 cr.)


SEMESTER 2 YEAR 2 ( 6 Credits)

BIPH 6106 Radiation Oncology (3 cr.)

BIPH 6107 Biomedical Imaging (3 cr.)

*This course can be done by postgraduate Diploma students in either semester 1 year 1 or semester 1 year 2.

BIPH 6106 and BIPH 6107 are electives for the Certificate. Students must register for either BIPH 6106 or BIPH 6107.




  1. Entry Requirements for the Postgraduate Certificate
  1. Applicants with an Undergraduate Degree
  1. A Bachelor’s degree in basic or applied sciences or its equivalent, from a university or college acceptable by the UWI with a GPA of at least 2.0 or a pass degree
  1. Applicants without an Undergraduate Degree
  1. Undergraduate Associate degrees, Certificates or Diplomas in applied sciences from an accredited university
  2. Show a record of active and professional experience (3 – 5 years) in Industry
  3. Be subjected to an interview by the Head of Department, the Biomedical Physics Coordinator and an Academic member of the medical physics programme.


  1. Entry Requirements for the Postgraduate Diploma
  1. Applicants with an Undergraduate Degree
  1. A Bachelor’s degree or its equivalent in basic or applied sciences. These applicants must possess at least a lower Second Class Honours degree or a GPA of at least 2.5
  2. Applicants with a Pass degree will be considered after an interview process is done to determine the suitability of the candidate.
  1. Applicants without an Undergraduate Degree
  1. A Medical Radiation Science Postgraduate Certificate from the University of the West Indies (Department of Physics).
  2. A record of active and professional experience (3 – 5 years) in Industry. These candidates will be subjected to an interview by the Head of Department, the BIPH Coordinator and an Academic member of the BIPH Programme.


It should be noted that The Proposal for the Policy for the Establishment of Graduate Certificate Programme states that “An applicant for admission to a Graduate Certificate programme must meet the following minimum requirements:

  1. A bachelor's degree from a fully accredited college or university,
  2. An undergraduate GPA of at least 2.0 or a Pass degree (exceptions may be granted to this requirement as per Regulations 1.5(c) in The UWI Regulations for Graduate Diplomas and Degrees (2014).


  1. Transitioning from Certificate to Diploma
  1. A student who has completed the credits for the Certificate with a B+ average, may apply to enrol in the Diploma in lieu of being awarded the Certificate
  2. Candidates who did not maintain a B+ average will be considered on a case by case basis


  1. Laddering from Certificate to Diploma
  1. Persons who hold a Certificate with a B+ average may carry forward 9 credits into the Diploma programme if the application occurs within a five-year period. This represents 50% of the 18 credit Certificate programme.
  2. Candidates who did not maintain a B+ average will be considered on a case by case basis.
  3. All candidates laddering from Certificate to Diploma must complete an additional 17 credits not including courses they have done in the Certificate programme to fulfil the credit requirements of the Diploma.
  4. In excess of five years, applicants would need to apply to the Board for Graduate Studies and Research for credits and exemptions.


  1. Matriculation to The MSc BIPH Degree
  1. Applicants without normal matriculation requirements may be considered for entry to the MSc Biomedical Physics programme, having completed the Diploma in BIPH within five years.
  2. In excess of five years, applicants would need to apply to the Board for Graduate Studies and Research for credits and exemptions.
  3. A student who has completed the credits for the Diploma may apply to enrol in the MSc BIPH Programme in lieu of being awarded the Diploma.


  1. Students with Difficulties in Completing Their Full Programme

For students who are challenged in passing the stipulated courses in the maximum time period, the following will apply:

  1. MSc enrolled students with incomplete credit requirements for the full degree, may be awarded the Diploma in BIPH, provided that the credit requirements are met.
  2. Students enrolled in the Diploma programme who are unable to complete within the maximum time allowed, may be awarded the Certificate provided that the credit requirements are met.


FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: 662-2002 ext 82176/83113

EMAIL: roger.andrews@sta.uwi.edu


APPLY: https://sta.uwi.edu/admissions/postgrad/how-apply

How To Apply:  https://sta.uwi.edu/admissions/postgrad/sites/default/files/postgrad/images/PDF%20HOW%20TO%20APPLY%20Instructions%20updated%2014.1.2021.pdf