
The NASA I2 project team at NIHERST is pleased to present the 2020 NASA International Internship Project (NASA I2). This is the seventh cycle of NASA I2 with Trinidad and Tobago. The NASA I2 summer term is tentatively scheduled to take place from June 5th to August 11th, 2020, and NIHERST wishes to share the opportunity with all eligible T&T nationals, in support of the overarching goal of national development.

In order to provide NASA with the short-listed candidates by February 2020, and facilitate a thorough local screening of candidates, the deadline for submission of applications is no later than January 17th, 2020. 

For additional information on this project, you may contact Ms Darielle Rampersad, Project Assistant at 625-6437, ext 2308 or email and for continued updates and access to the application form, please visit the NIHERST-NASA webpage via the following link:


Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to hearing your feedback and anticipate a successful 2020 NASA I2 cycle.

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