Professor Patrick Hosein

Telephone: 868-662-2002 ext 85388
B.Sc in Electrical Engineering (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
M.Sc in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
E.E (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Ph.D in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Selected Publications
Boodhoo, S. and Hosein, P. “On the Distributed Optimization of Calendar Events”, The 10th International Workshop on Computational Intelligence & Applications Hiroshima, Japan, Nov 2017 |
Doolan, S., Hosein, N., Hosein, P. and Bhagwandin, D. “Constant Time, Fixed Memory, Zero False Negative Error Logging for Low Power Wearable Devices”, IEEE Conference on Wireless Sensors, Sarawak, Malaysia, Nov 2017 |
Rahaman, I. and Hosein, P., “Exploiting Gaussian Word Embeddings for Document Clustering”, Future Technologies Conference, Vancouver, British Colombia, Canada, Nov 2017 |
Sekhon, R., Hosein, P., Seok, W. and Kwak, J., “Emerging Network Technologies and Network Neutrality Conformance”, 19th Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium, Seoul, South Korea, Sept 2017 |
Rahaman, I. and Hosein, P., “Exploiting Gaussian Embeddings for Directed Link Prediction”, 13th International Workshop On Mining and Learning with Graphs, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, Aug 2017 |
Bhagwandin D., Tripathy V. and Hosein P. Association Rule Mining of Household Electrical Energy Usage. ACM International Conference on Data Mining, Communications and Information Technology, Phuket, Thailand, May, 2017 |
Hosein S. and Hosein P. Load Forecasting using Deep Neural Networks. IEEE Eighth Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT), Washington DC, USA, April, 2017 |
R. Sekhon, P. Hosein, W. Choi and W. Seok, “Quality of Service Framework for Supporting Next Generation Mobile Services”. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, (08-Special Issue, 2017) |
Hosein P., Girod-Williams L. and van Rensburg C. Cyclic Beam Switching for Smart Grid Networks. 8th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS), Larnaca, Cyprus, Nov, 2016 |
Maharaj K. and Hosein P. Location Obfuscation using Smart Meter Readings. IEEE 3rd International Conference on Advances in Computing & Communication Engineering, Durban, South Africa, Nov, 2016 |
Rahaman I. and Hosein P. On the Multi-Stage Influence Maximization Problem. Latin American Conference on Computational Intelligence, Cartagena, Columbia, Nov, 2016 |
Chamansingh N. and Hosein P. Efficient Sentiment Classification of Twitter Feeds. IEEE International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Applications, Singapore, Sept, 2016 |
Hosein P. and Boodhoo S. Event Scheduling with Soft Constraints and On-Demand Re-Optimization. IEEE International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Applications, Singapore, Sept, 2016 |
Bahadoor K. and Hosein P. Application for the Detection of Dangerous Driving and an Associated Gamification Framework. International Conference on Mobile Web and Intelligent Information Systems, Vienna, Austria, Aug, 2016 |
Rahaman I. and Hosein P. Heuristics for Advertising Revenue Optimization in Online Social Networks. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, San Francisco, USA, Aug, 2016 |
Rahaman I. and Hosein P. Using MapReduce for Impression Allocation in Online Social Networks. 12th International Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs, San Francisco, Aug, 2016 |
Hosein S., Hosein P., Kattick W. and Rattan V. Web Application for Power Grid Fault Management. IEEE 6th International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS 2016), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Aug, 2016 |
Ramneek, P. Hosein, W. Choi and W. Seok, "Quality of Service Support for High Performance Computing on Mobile Devices", IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation, Innsbruck, Austria, Jul 2016. |
S. Sooklal, P. Hosein and S. Teelucksingh "A Review of Human Body Shape Detection Techniques and Their Application to the Prediction of Health Risks", 8th International Conference on e-Health, Madeira, Portugal, July, 2016. |
S. Hosein and P. Hosein, "Improving Power Generation Efficiency using Deep Neural Network", ICML Workshop #Data4Good: Machine Learning in Social Good Applications, New York, USA, June 2016. |
C. Millette and P. Hosein, "A Consumer Focused Open Data Platform", International Conference on Big Data and Smart City, Muscat, Oman, Mar 2016. |
Ramneek, P. Hosein, W. Choi and W. Seok, "A Study of QoS Support, Performance and Pricing of Mobile Data Plans in the USA and Korea", IEEE International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, Phoenix Park, South Korea, Jan 2016. |
Ramneek, P. Hosein, W. Choi and W. Seok, "Congestion Detection for QoS-enabled Wireless Networks and its Potential Applications", Journal of Communications and Networks, June 2016, vol. 18, no.3 |
Ramneek, P. Hosein and W. Seok, "Disruptive network applications and their impact on network neutrality", IEEE International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, PyeongChang, South Korea, July 2015. |
P. Hosein, S. Hosein and S. Bahadoorsingh, “Power Grid Fault Detection using an AMR Network”, IEEE Smart Grid Technologies Asia Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, Nov. 2015. |
P. Hosein and T. Lawrence, "Stochastic Dynamic Programming Model for Revenue Optimization in Social Networks", IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Oct. 2015. |
Ramneek, P. Hosein, W. Choi and W. Seok, "Detecting Network Neutrality Violations through Packet Loss Statistics", Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium, Busan, South Korea, Aug. 2015. |
Ramneek, P. Hosein, W. Choi and W. Seok, "Network Neutrality Violation Detection for Streaming Media Traffic in Wired and Wireless Networks", KNOM Review, vol. 18, no. 1, Aug. 2015. |
P. Hosein and T. Wu. System and method for utility-based scheduling for space division multiple access (SDMA) on an uplink of a wireless communications network. Patent 8,155,608, issued May 29, 2012 |
Xing, S., Hosein, P., Kwon, Y., Hu, J. System and method for enhanced parallel receiving interworking in a wireless communications system. Patent 8,190,165, issued April 10, 2012. |