RDI Fund Information Session

The UWI Trinidad and Tobago Research and Development Impact (RDI) Fund recently held a virtual Information Session for its new grantees.  The session for the 5th Call for Proposals grantees was hosted by the RDI Fund Secretariat via Zoom, on Thursday June 10th 2021.

The session covered topics to assist the new project leaders in the seamless mobilization and successful implementation of their projects. These topics included Financial Matters, Reporting, Ethics Approval, Hiring, Procurement, Contracts, Public Engagement, Post Graduate Scholarships, Intellectual Property, Research Impact and Commercialisation. The session was conducted in collaboration with the Bursary, Human Resources, the School of Graduate Studies and Research, Marketing and Communications, Entrepreneurship Unit and the St Augustine Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (STACIE). 

The session provided Project Teams with an opportunity to ask questions and gather information to further their projects with minimal disruption. Project teams may visit the the RDI Fund’s updated Project Toolkit (click here for toolkit link) on the Fund’s website to access new information shared, including the updated FAQs document, and all relevant forms discussed at the session.




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