Senior Manager, Research Funding and Business Development
Cheryle Tewarie has over 20 years’ experience designing and managing complex projects. Cheryle has worked with multidisciplinary teams to successfully secure several multimillion-dollar grants and consultancies. She works with research teams to prepare the technical and financial aspects, whilst ensuring they meet grant requirements and are competitive. She also delivers grant writing workshops, both within and outside the UWI and has taught both at the undergraduate as well as post graduate levels. Her priorities are to manage these contracts and collaborate with industry to commercialise research outputs.
Cheryle was the Regional Programme Analyst at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). She has a Master of Science in Environmental Management, a Master of Business Administration, Innovation and Entrepreneurship and is a PMP certified project manager. She has a certificate in Alternative Dispute Resolution and is a member of the Project Management Institute, Grant Writer’s Association and the Association of University Technology Managers.
Telephone: 1(868) 662 2002 ext 83551
Email: cheryle.dubay-tewarie@sta.uwi.edu