Dr. Graham King strategically oversees STACIE to ensure implementation, monitoring and evaluation of programmes, projects and activities according to UWI’s strategic objectives. He leads the financial planning, human resource management, marketing planning and innovative strategies for sustaining STACIE’s reach and impact. Dr. King builds relationships with industry leaders and government agencies, and regional and international bodies to source information, funding and technical expertise. As Director of STACIE, he chairs the UWI St. Augustine Innovation Committee and the Intellectual Property Sub-Committee. Dr. King took up the post of Director of STACIE in August 2022.
Dr. King’s background is as an Automotive Engineer, with 16 years of experience in the automotive industry in the UK and Germany, focusing on innovation in the application of new technology. He worked for major motor manufacturers in Research and Development, with stints in Manufacturing, and on staff at the University of Warwick focusing on boosting the competitiveness of automotive manufacturers and the supply chain.
Since 2009, Dr. King has been engaged in teaching and research in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of the West Indies. At UWI, he has been involved in coordinating the MSc. programmes in Engineering Management and Engineering Asset Management, chairing the Faculty of Engineering Entrepreneurship Committee and the Mechanical and Manufacturing Enterprise Research Centre, coordinating student internships and participating in major donor funded and consultancy research projects. Active research under Dr. King’s supervision includes: engendering innovation and an effective innovation ecosystem for National Development; Industry 4.0 to boost regional industrial competitiveness; and sustainable transport, particularly e-mobility
With a passion for University-Industry Collaboration, Dr. King has focused on brokering industry-based projects, is part of the T&T Energy Chamber Decarbonisation Taskforce, and serves on the TTMA Productivity Committee. He is a member of the Boards of CARIRI and Arrive Alive, and is an Executive Attaché in global not-for-profit Congress WBN and a senior leader in Elijah Centre.
He graduated from Loughborough University with First Class Honours (BEng. and DIS) and The University of Warwick with Distinction (MSc. and EngD). He is a Chartered Mechanical Engineering and member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (UK).
Telephone: 1(868) 662 2002 ext 84485
Email: graham.king@sta.uwi.edu