COCR 1046: Meditation for Holistic Health 


Two (2)


One (1)





This course is designed to support student’s mental equilibrium, increase their cognitive performance, greatly reduce stress, and assist students in their management of academic role demands and life stressors. This course will introduce the benefits of meditation to help students reduce high levels of stress, or anxiety.

The course consists of twelve sessions running one hour per week, and approximately one hour for independent study/online meditation exercises. In keeping with a blended model, course delivery will incorporate a combined platform for both face-to -face instruction and online learning. 

At the end of each session, students will be guided through a meditation exercise based on the course presentation which will be linked to the core benefits of meditation and underlying goals/objectives of achieving personal growth and reflective self-development. The online sessions will be guided meditation exercises. Course participants will be exposed to evidence-based practice in meditation and instructional exercises for controlling emotions, maintaining positive thinking, and attaining mental clarity using meditation in four categories as taught by The Brahma Kumaris Spiritual University.


Course Aims

The course will allow students to:

  1. Promote a climate of cooperation and positive regard for peers, presenters and senior personnel that is grounded by course participants’ core innate beliefs, morals, and spiritual values. 
  2. To support students in their efforts to learn the practical application of meditation.  In addition, to reduce stress and/or anxiety and improve overall mental health and well-being.



Dr Sandra Celestine
Counselling and Psychological Service (CAPS), Division of Student Services and Development

Tel/ext: (868)-662-2002 ext.82151


Mr. Randolph Basdeo