COCR 1051: Innovation and Entrepreneurship Steps


Two (2)


One (1)





The proposed course is envisioned as a foundational training course in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship with emphasis on the innovation process, business planning and entrepreneurship development strategy. It includes a blend of theory and practical components which will provide students with the tools and techniques needed for evaluating, planning and development of new business ideas and innovative concepts. The practical application includes facilitation of individual innovation and entrepreneurship aspirations as well as provides a fundamental understanding of Innovation and Entrepreneurship support Ecosystems and Programme development.
The Programme objectives can be achieved through delivery of 13 entrepreneurship class sessions which include a combination of theoretical concepts, practical examples and practical assignments. The structure of the course is designed to provide conceptual understanding whilst engaging the student in the critical analysis and development of a theoretically feasible and innovative new enterprise. The coursework assignments include business planning, market-testing and pitch proposal exercises which are geared towards discovery, creativity and  team engagement which creates an exciting and memorable learning process for participating students.


Course Aims

To provide students with the entrepreneurial tools and techniques needed for a systematic approach to innovation and entrepreneurship. In particular, the course clarifies innovation and entrepreneurship concepts and gives a structured approach to the innovation process which  will be needed for future entrepreneurs and decision makers in Entrepreneurship Development Programmes and / or highly adaptive, tech-driven and globally competing Firms.



Mr. Julian Henry
The Entrepreneurship Unit