
Registration is held prior to the beginning of each academic year. Tuition fees are payable in full in advance and upon registration. The privilege of registration may be withheld for reasons such as unpaid fees. Arrangements can be negotiated for semester payment or Annual. Fees are neither transferable nor refundable after the third week of the semester. When registering, students are allocated a Student ID number that they will retain throughout their association with the SCS. All correspondence with the School must be forwarded through the Centre Coordinator and must bear the student ID number. Notification regarding change of name, address, and/or telephone number should be filed promptly with the Coordinator.



Students must complete an exemption application form. No exemption is valid until the applicant has registered with the school and paid the appropriate exemption fee in full.



Non-attendance does not constitute notice of withdrawal. The student is responsible for the submission of a letter indicating intention to withdraw or requesting leave of absence is she/he wishes to continue with the programme.



Regular class attendance is essential, however, students are expected to have attended over 75% of their classes. Failure to maintain this level of attendance may result in students being debarred from writing the End of Year Examinations. Absences for medical reasons are included in the 25% allowed; on returning to classes after prolonged illness, a student must submit a Medical Certificate.



Transcripts will indicate a profile of the achievement in the modules of each course taken.


Grading Scheme

Grading Scheme.JPG

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