Head of Department & Lecturer
Dr. Sue Ann Barratt is Lecturer and Head at the Institute for Gender and Development Studies, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus. She is a scholar of human communication and gendered expression and interaction. Dr. Barratt interrogates gender-based violence, especially as it manifests through social discourse. In addition, she explores the nuance and significance of social identities, such as race/ethnicity, for example through her most recent book, “Dougla in the 21st Century: Adding to the Mix”. In general, Dr. Barratt’s research extends to human communication conflict, social media use and its implications, mental health management and its implications for learners, gender and climate adaptation/resilience, and Carnival and cultural studies. She is dedicated to building gender responsiveness and gender justice within society.
"Think outside of the box to make the invisible visible."
Undergraduate Corses taught
- GEND 2109: Social Media and Gender
- GEND 2203: Feminist Theoretical Frameworks
- GEND 1331: Sex, Gender and Society
- GEND 3038: Gender, Ethnicity and Class
- GEND 3501: Philosophy of Gender
- GEND 2025: Women and Work in the Glabal Economy
- GEND 3002: Gender, Violence and Trauma in Discourse
- LING 2501: Language, Gender and Sex
Guest Lecturing
- LAW 3260: Gender and Law (guest lecturing)
Postgraduate Corses taught
- GEND 5002/6003/7002/8002: Philosophy of Gender in Caribbean Thought
- GEND 5001/6002/7001/8001: Philosophy of Gender
- GEND6103/7102/8102: Gender Analysis for Development Policy Planning Supervision
- GEND600170018001: Contemporary Feminist Theorizing
Postgraduate Students Supervising
- Phd – Ave Le Blanc (Thesis by Publication - Business School, School of Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia.)
- Mphil LCCS, Faculty of Humanities - Sade Lazaar
- MPhil IGDS UWI - Jade Trim
- MPhil IGDS UWI - Khailah Bernard
- MPhil IGDS UWI - Keston Forde (recent transfer)
- MPhil IGDS UWI - Gina Marie Granado
- MSc IGDS UWI - Janelle Rufus
- MSc IGDS UWI - Richie Daly
Postgraduate Supervision completed
- PhD LCCS, UWI Alana Smith
- MPhil IGDS UWI Maria Jaikaransingh
- MSc IGDS UWI Annehara Guy
- MSc UTT Maurice Halfide
Areas of Specialization
- Communication Conflict and Gender-Based Violence
- Interpersonal Interaction
- Mass Media and Computer Mediated Communication
- Social Media and User Generated Content
- Gender and Ethnic Identities
- Person Perception
- Feminist Studies
- Carnival Studies
Conference Presentations
- Co-Presenter (with Aleah N. Ranjitsingh) - Conference: Critical Mixed Race Studies Conference. Theme: More than Betwixt and Between: Solidarity and Liberation in Beloved Communities. Ohio State University. June 14th, 2024.
- Presenter – Conference: Session - An Interdisciplinary Dialogue on the Incorporation and Utilization of Caribbean Epistemology(ies) in Research and/or Pedagogical Approaches - PART ONE, Theme: CSA at 50: Caribbean Development Sustainability - The Convergence of Technology, People, Planet, Peace, Prosperity & Partnerships, Caribbean Studies Association (CSA) 48th Annual Conference, Castries, St. Lucia, 3-7th June 2024.
- Co-Presenter – Conference: 24th Annual SALISES Conference, The Learning Resource Centre, The UWI St. Augustine Campus, May 3-5, 2023
- Presenter – Conference: Session – The Use of Language in Media, Disruptions in Hegemonic Meanings, and the Resistance to Gender Violence Conference – IV ISA Forum of Sociology (February 23-28, 2021)
- Presenter – Conference: Panel: Transgressive Potentials: Reinterpreting Carnival Through Traditions of Resistance, The Mas in We Symposium, February 24th – 26th, 2021
- Presenter, Where we going with soca? Evaluating An Art Form through Machel Montano’s music. Carifesta’s Journey Round Myself Symposium - Moderation of panel presentation. August 2019
- Plenary Speaker and Panelist - Conference: Feminist Futures in the Global South: Research, Activism and Creativity. Winter Meeting 2020. Sociologists for Women in Society. January 30 to February 2 2020, San Diego, California.
- Attendee Caribbean Planetary Health Conference, January 2020, Faculty of Medical Sciences, UWI St. Augustine Campus.
- Presenter - IGDS Lunchtime Seminar Perceptions of Gender Identity and Interpersonal Communication Conflict, November 2014
- Presenter - Paper addressing UN policies on violence against women and the role communicators have, at the conference of the International Association of Women, Radio, and Television in Nicaragua, November 2014 http://www.iawrt.org/
Workshops and outreach
- Facilitator, Foundations: Reflecting on Strategic Responses to Gender Based Violence, D.M.A.D. Company Workshop, May 2023.
- Facilitator, FCD ‘I Am Woman’ Series, Staff Webinar, FCD Communications and Information Unit, Judiciary of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago March 10th, 2021
- Presenter Men, Masculinities, and Climate Change: Online Workshop, April 2020
- Facilitator, IGDS Gender Sensitivity Training Workshop for Media, With the Office of the Prime Minister. January, 2020
- Facilitator, Advanced Counselling Training, Rape Crisis Centre, Roles and Responsibilities – Women, Men and Gender, Gender-The Impact of Gender on Behaviour, November 2019
- Panelist, Shipping Association of Trinidad and Tobago, World Maritime Day 2019 Commemorative Symposium and Reception, Hyatt Regency Hotel, September 27th, 2019
- Presenter and Interviewer (Soca Artiste Fayann Lyons-Alvarez), First Citizens WOMEN FIRST Changing the Narrative 2: Gender Messaging in Popular Culture, October 2019
- Expert Trainer, “Gender Stereotyping and Access to Justice”, Judiciary Training, Judiciary Educational Institute, November 2019
- Panellist on AFETT's Can't We All Just Get Along: discussion on gender in the workplace, May 2017
Media Interviews and appearances
- Spotlight Interview, Topic: What are the biggest challenges women still face at the workplace, NOW Morning Show, March 18th, 2024, 6:20 am Other Recent Appearances – January 9th 2024, November 28th, 2023
- Interview, With Prof Rhoda Reddock, In-depth with Dike Rostant, Focus: Gender and Development Recorded March 25th, 2024
- Interview, Morning Brew CNC 3, Host: Jason Williams, Topic: Gender Based Violence and Men, February 2023
- Podcast Interview, With Aleah Ranjitsingh focussed on Co-authored book “Dougla in the 21st Century: Adding to the Mix, Interviewer: Aleem Mahabir, Host, Caribbean Studies New Books Network (NBN) January 2023
- Interview, Hotline with Ann Dookie, IETV News, February & June 2023, August & December 2022
- Interview, CCNTV6 Morning Edition, Host: Fazir Mohammed, Topic: 16 Days of Activism, November 2022
- Interview UWI TV , PhD Graduate Series – Highlighting the Research and Findings of Doctoral Research and Theses, Conversation with Dr. Kai Barratt, Thursday July 28th, 2022, 10 am TT Time
- Speaker, Topic: The Role of Men in Sex and Gender Equality Equal Opportunity Commission TTT programme Sex and Prejudice, Tuesday May 3, 2022, 11 am to 12 pm, Host Dike Rostant, live Broadcast
- Feature Article, Author: Ria Chaitram, “Dr. Sue Ann Barratt: TT must do more to stop gender-based violence, promote LGBTQIA rights” August 2021
- Interview, The NOW Morning Show, Topic: UWI Recruitment, July 2020
- Interview TTT Live Now Morning Show - 16 Days of Activism, Dec 2019
- Interview CNews with Soyini Nneka and with Deborah McFee Conversations About Gender , January 2019
- Interview TTT Live Now Morning Show - Caribbean Feminisms, May 2018
- Interview CTalk with Soyini Nneka Talking Gender and Gender-Based Violence, July 2017
- Interview One on One, ieTV On the paradox of femininity in T&T carnival, February 2015
Forthcoming Publications
- Single Authored Book
Barratt, Sue Ann. Pending. Triggers and Aggravators: Gender Based Violence in Caribbean Discourse (updated working title)
Consulting Editor – Cathy Scott, Editor, Gender Studies, Palgrave Macmillan
Status - Updated Book Proposal Pending
Ongoing Research – Research Data revisited – adaptation from PhD thesis and updated discourse analysis methodology across select Caribbean texts
- Co-Authored Book
Barratt, Sue Ann and Raquel Sukhu. Pending. Cultivating Transformative Feminist Development Justice: Building Community Capacity in the Caribbean (working title)
Ongoing Research – Revised Submission to St. Augustine Campus Research and
Publication Fund Pending
- Book - Edited Collection
Barratt, Sue Ann, and Attai, Nikoli. Eds. “‘Free Up Yuh Self’: Transgressive Bodies and Contestations in the Carnivalesque” Publisher – Duke University Press
- Book - Edited Collection
Barratt, Kai, and Barratt, Sue Ann. Eds. “‘Look Trouble Now”: Machel Montano and the Politics of Culture and Industry in Soca Music” Publisher – UWI Press
Book - Co-Authored
- Barratt, Sue Ann, and Ranjitsingh, Aleah. Dougla in the 21st Century: Adding to the Mix. University of Mississippi Press, 2021. Consulting Editor – Lisa McMurtray
Book Chapters published
- Barratt, Sue Ann, 2024. “Norms in Contention: Human Rights Across Social, Gendered and Religious Conformity and Non-Conformity”. Ed. Wendell C. Wallace. The Palgrave Handbook of Caribbean Criminology. 1st Edition, July 2024, Palgrave Macmillan
- Barratt, Sue Ann. 2021. “Contending with Binaries: Rethinking Mixedness Through the Caribbean Dougla Body”. Eds. Encarnacion Guitierrez-Rodriguez, Rhoda Reddock. Decolonial Perspectives on Entangled Inequalities: Europe and The Caribbean. Anthem Press
- Barratt, Sue Ann. 2021. “Are We There Yet? Contemporary Struggles for Gender Justice and the Legacy of Caribbean Feminisms”. Eds. Josephine Beoku-Betts and Akosua Adomako Ampofo. Producing Inclusive Feminist Knowledge: Positionalities and Discourses in the Global South Vol 31, Emerald Publishing Company UK, Advances in Gender Series.
- Barratt, Sue Ann. “Boundless Heterogeneity: ‘Callaloo’ Complexity and the Measurement of Mixedness in Trinidad and Tobago”The Palgrave Macmillan International Handbook of Mixed Racial and Ethnic Classification. Editors: Rocha, Zarine L., Aspinall, Peter J. (Eds.) Palgrave MacMillan, 2020.
- S. Barratt What’s in a Name?: Nicki Minaj, Indian In/visibility and the Paradox of Dougla Feminism. Indo-Caribbean Feminist Thought: Genealogies, Theories, Enactments. Eds. Gabrielle Hosein and Lisa Outar. Palgrave MacMillan, 2016.
Reviewer for Journals
- Journal – Affilia – 2019 and 2020
- Book Review One - Misogyny: The New Activism Ukockis, Gail. (2019). Misogyny: The New Activism. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780190876340 $9.29.
- Book Review Two - Mothering While Black Dow, Dawn Marie. (2019). Mothering While Black: Boundaries and Burdens of Middle-Class Parenthood. Oakland, CA: University of California Press. 252 pp. ISBN: 9780520300323 (paperback) $29.95.
Editor of Journal
- Barratt, Sue Ann. 2021. Find Your Anchor: Navigating Mental Illness and Academic Achievement. Caribbean Review of Gender Studies Issue – Disability, Mental Health, and Disablement. Eds. Savitri Persaud and Fatimah Jackson-Best. Disability, Mental Health, and Disablement. Issue 15, December 2021, pages 17-42.
- Barratt, Sue Ann and Aleah Ranjitsingh. 2018. “Recognising Selves in Others: Situating Dougla Manoeuvrability as Shared Mixed-Race Ontology”. Journal of Intercultural Studies. Special Issue – Critical Mixed Race. Vol 39 Issue 4 2018, pages 481-493. (Journal Impact Factor – 1.0)
- Barratt, Sue Ann. 2018. “Reinforcing Sexism and Misogyny: Social Media, Symbolic Violence and the Construction of Femininity-as-Fail”. Journal of International Women’s Studies, Vol 19, Issue 3 2018, pages 16-31. (Journal Impact Factor 0.52)
- Barratt, Sue Ann. 2016. ““I Am Not A Girlie Girl!”: Young Women’s Negotiation of Feminine Powerlessness”. Caribbean Review of Gender Studies, A Journal of Caribbean Perspectives on Gender and Feminism. Special Issue – Work of Recent Scholars of the IGDS Issue 10, ISSN 1995-1108, pages 11-44
- Barratt, Sue Ann and Mohammed, Crista, Counter Narratives – Daddies at the Mall (IGDS, CRGS, 2015)
Reviewer for Journals
- June 2024 - Reviewer Paper for Review: Carnival is Woman: The Female Gaze in Caribbean Culture and Art The Caribbean Review of Gender Studies, Issue 16, Editor Dr. Marsha Pearce, Issue: Gender Articulated: Visual Language and the Un/Seeable Self.
- January 2024 - Reviewer Paper Reviewed: Caribbean Women’s Negotiation of Social Media Spaces: Rethinking Women’s Shifting Practices Journal of International Women’s Studies (JIWS), Virtual Commons, Bridgewater State University
- May 2023 - Reviewer Paper Reviewed: HIV, The Media, and You: A Case Study of HIV Reporting in The Gleaner Company (Media) Limited Tout Moun: Caribbean Journal of Cultural Studies Issue 8, No. 1: Beyond the Crisis-generation and the Dread Instilled: Special Tout Moun Issue in Honour of Professor Paula Eleanor Morgan
- May 2023 - Reviewer Paper Reviewed: Gender equality in agricultural land ownership and participation in cash crop farming in rural Ghana". Tropical Agriculture: A Journal of the Faculty of Food and Agriculture, The University of the West Indies
- April 2023 - Reviewer, 2 Papers Reviewed for Selection of Outstanding Researcher for Principal’s Research Award, The UWI, Mona Campus
- Yvette Rowe & Anthony Frampton (2022) Erased and Misremembered: Exhuming the Colonial Broadcasting of Una Marson, Journal of Radio & Audio Media, 29:1, 61-79, DOI: 10.1080/19376529.2021.1960351
- Towards an Integrated Caribbean Paradigm in Communication Thought: Confronting Academic Dependence in Media Research Nova Gordon Bell The Author(s) 2021 51 H. S. Dunn et al. (eds.), Re-imagining Communicationin Africa and the Caribbean, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-54169-9_4
- 2019 and 2020 Journal – Affilia
- Book Review One - Misogyny: The New Activism Ukockis, Gail. (2019). Misogyny: The New Activism. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780190876340 $9.29.
- Book Review Two - Mothering While Black Dow, Dawn Marie. (2019). Mothering While Black: Boundaries and Burdens of Middle-Class Parenthood. Oakland, CA: University of California Press. 252 pp. ISBN: 9780520300323 (paperback) $29.95.
Appointments & Memberships
- Feb 2024 - Present Chair Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Advisory Committee for Trinidad and TobagoTOR: Drafting First National Action Plan for Trinidad and Tobago
- March 2024 - Delegate Trinidad and Tobago National Delegation led by the Honourable Ayanna Webster-Roy, Minister of State in the Office of the Prime Minister to the 68th Session on the Commission on the Status of Women, United Nations Headquarters, New York. March 11 – 15, 2024. The priority theme for CSW 68 was “Accelerating the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls by addressing poverty and strengthening institutions and financing with a gender perspective.”
- July – Dec 2022 - Member Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) to review the National Strategic Action Plan (NSAP) on Gender Based Violence and Sexual Violence Office of the Prime Minister, Gender and Child Affairs
- 2023 - Present Member Transnational Network Advisory Board, Transnational Network on Challenging Global Anti-Blackness: A Ford Foundation Project.
- 2022–2023 - Member Regional Steering Committee and Technical Advisory Committee EU/UN Regional Spotlight Initiative
- 2022–2023 - Member Project Steering Committee GCP/SLC/018/MEX - Mexico-CARICOM-FAO Initiative "Cooperation for Adaptation and Resilience to Climate Change in the Caribbean": Subproject - Resilient Aquaculture Initiative
Membership on Boards and Committees
- 2024–2027 – Chair, Gender Task Force, The UWI St. Augustine Campus
- 2021–Present – One UWI Gender, Equity and Justice Strategic and Research Committee
- 2021–Present – Academic Board, The UWI St. Augustine Campus
- 2021–Present – Campus Committee for Graduate Studies and Research
- 2015–Present – Member, Gender Advisory Board, IGDS UWI St. Augustine
- 2015–Present – Member, IGDS Board of Studies, IGDS UWI St. Augustine.
- 2015–Present – Member, Management Committee, IGDS Regional
- 2015–Present – Member, IGDS Regional Planning and Strategy Committee (RP&SC)
- 2021 to Present – Student Disciplinary Committee, The Registry, The UWI (Served as Chair of Select Committee Sessions)
- 2021 - Present – Evaluations and Promotions Committee