Institute for Gender and Development Studies

Gender Advisory Board 
Professors Emeriti 
Academic Staff 
Administrative Staff 
Associate Staff 
IGDS Ignite


The IGDS St Augustine Unit achieves its teaching, research and outreach mandate through full-time and part-time staff including core staff, tutors, research assistants and associate staff. The IGDS comprises three full-time faculty members and one Outreach and Research Officer. There are four full-time supporting staff comprising two PhD level Research Assistants, a Marketing and Branding Officer and an Outreach and Partnerships Officer

The foundation of the Institute on the St Augustine Campus is underpinned by our two Professors Emerita, Rhoda Reddock, Professor of Gender, Social Change and Development and Patricia Mohammed, Professor of Gender and Cultural Studies.

Associate staff come from the various faculties and departments across Campus and support the work of the Institute through involvement in teaching and/or research in gender-related areas.

Our Gender Advisory Board (GAB), established in 2015-2016, lends support to collaborative efforts and revenue raising potential of the IGDS. The GAB acts as a think-tank geared toward creating and mobilizing innovative methods and as a way of keeping the Institute relevant within the wider society.

The Mission of the board is:

“To support the work of the Institute for Gender and Development Studies to ensure relevance to community goals of gender equality; and to assist in building the capacity of the Institute toward sustainable self-funding within a tertiary level academic environment."

The Institute aggressively pursues external funding opportunities and collaborations with partners both within and outside of The UWI. Local and international groups and organizatons, NGOs and CBOs partner on high-impact research and outreach projects and activities geared towards advancing gender justice in multiple areas of our society.

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