All resources from the Reading Room and Documentation Centre are for reading or photocopy at IGDS only. IGDS does not loan any material from the Reading Room or Documentation Centre. The library can be searched on the computer in the library. Instructions will be made available during your visit.
For information about resources in the IGDS Reading Room and to request items please email Ms. Tenesha Charles. Make sure to indicate your research topic.
Due to Covid restrictions for enquiries and use of the Documentation Center, please email
Ms. Tenesha Charles
Clerical Assistant II, Front Desk
Tel: 868-662-2002 ext. 83577
In Adobe Acrobat, please use the “Find” function to search the PDF. Depending on what version of Acrobat you have, you may need to go to the "Edit" menu in the top left corner of your screen, scroll down, and click on the "find" function. Type your search word in the space provided. Click on your arrows to browse through the search results. If you are not getting results, please simplify your search using one word (such as a surname).