Institute for Gender and Development Studies

Trinidad and Tobago

Please note that this list is migrated to the Making of Feminisms in the Caribbean website and will be deleted in the near future.
Please use the links to go to this MFC site to:

Updated 2020


The 2 Cents Movement is a youth-led non-profit organisation that uses performance art in youth outreach aimed at creating confident, socially conscious, responsible young citizens. We focus on engaging youth on critical issues relevant to their development using creative spaces for discourse and action. Our organisation strives to professionalize youth-centered, arts-based interventions and become the leading youth arts outreach company in the Caribbean.

868Change mission is to direct resources to uncommon solutions for a vibrant and healthy Trinidad and Tobago. We believe that our solutions will not come from the same thinking and approaches of yesterday, but from passionate citizens who are bold enough to address problems in new and daring ways. Broken systems need brave and unlikely heroes, our mission is to create an environment where these ordinary citizens can bloom.













All Inclusive TT was formed to support in-school efforts at antibullying in all its forms; physical, emotional, psychological, and gender; research trends in teaching practices and learning outcomes; empower future generations of leaders through training and representation; and advocate school initiatives that encourage inclusive education practices for youth nationwide.

Association of Female Executives of Trinidad and Tobago (AFETT)was formed in 2002 to bring together female executives, exposing them to networking opportunities, leadership training and business ideas.

A.S.P.I.R.E T&T is a non-governmental, non-profit advocacy group lobbying for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, particularly in the area of abortion since 2000.


Break the Silence: End Chld Sexual Abuse is an action research project and awareness campaign on issues surrounding Child Sexual Abuse (CSA), incest and implications for HIV/AIDS that originated at the IGDS, The UWI since 2007.

Breast Feeding Association of T&T was founded in 1977 to support mothers, babies and their families in breastfeeding through effective counselling and education while assisting all sectors of the community to appreciate the benefits of human milk.​



Caribbean Association for Feminist Research and Action Trinidad and Tobago( CAFRA T&T) is a non-governmental, non-profit women’s organization, whose mission is to celebrate and channel the collective power of women for individual and societal transformation, thus creating a climate in which social justice is realised.

Caribbean Forum for Liberation and Acceptance of Gendersand Sexualities (CariFLAGS) is a forum for sharing information, ideas, efforts and aspirations regarding our regional movement for policy and cultural change.

Caribbean Institute for Women in Leadership (CIWIL)The Caribbean Institute for Women in Leadership (CIWIL) is a non-partisan and independent institution, established to monitor and strengthen the work of increasing women’s political participation in the region.

Caribbean Male Action Network (CariMAN)
The Caribbean Male Action Network (CariMAN) is a regional network of individuals and organizations in Caribbean region working to challenge existing social and cultural beliefs and norms around masculinities and advocate for equality and justice for all.

Caribbean Network for Integrated Rural Development (CNIRD) is an independent regional non governmental organization founded in 1988, whose focus is on networking with national and sub regional intermediaries based in the Caribbean region, with the objective of achieving integrated rural development.

Cashew Gardens a Model Community
Cashew Garden's endeavors to provide the community with opportunities for growth and development. Our desire is to become 'A Model Community' that represents the cohesiveness of teamwork, love and country.


CEDAW Committee of Trinidad and Tobago (Working Group)
The CEDAW Committee is made up of a diverse group of individuals representing organizations, communities, cultures, genres and perspectives with the common goal of Collaboration, Education, Development, Advocacy, Wisdom and oversight of the convention of which the state is a signatory.

Coalition Advocating for Inclusion of Sexual Orientation (CAISO) aims are: to foster a forward-thinking, visionary and humane approach to sexual orientation and gender identity; to secure full inclusion in all aspects of national life, social policy and citizenship regardless of sexuality and gender; to develop capacity, leadership and self-pride in our own communities, and to mobilise an advocacy movement for social justice in partnership with others.

Trinidad and Tobago Coalition Against Domestic Violence T&T opposes the use of physical, emotional, psychological, sexual, financial and spiritual violence as a means of control over others.

Conflict Women Financially empowering survivors of domestic and sexual violence by selling their beautiful handcrafted jewelry through our award-winning Butterfly Project.

Create.future.good is a social enterprise with a core purpose of promoting the awareness and advocacy of children's rights. We have created a platform for curious thought and visionary problem-solving through innovative projects and other creativity-based interventions.

The Cropper Foundation
The concept of the Foundation is to act as a framework mechanism for networking people, dialogue and resources across various sectors of the society for the public good and to influence, participate and contribute to Sustainable Development policy and practice – locally, for the Caribbean region, and globally.



Families in Action promotes healthy family life, balancing emotional, physical, spiritual, social and psychological needs. We are moved to regenerate both the family unit and/or any individual of that unit experiencing pain, isolation, addiction or dysfunction

Fondes Amandes Community Reforestation Project (FACRP) is a community based organization that fights dry-season fires around the Fondes Amandes watershed including planting of forest and fruit trees and gathering of seeds and natural materials for making craft. It has become one of the most successful eco-projects in the Caribbean and is widely recognised as a model for sustainable development in the region.


H – I

Heart of a Sister Family Foundation's mandate is to positively impact communities one family at a time. Soul Of a Brother remains the male-arm of our organization.

I Am ONE TnT is a Community-Based organisation in Trinidad and Tobago which seeks to address the needs of Gender and Sexual Minorities.



Network Of NGOs of Trinidad & Tobago For The Advancement Of Women is a national body advocating for change and fostering of participatory processes to help women build a better life for themselves.

Network of Rural Women Producers, Trinidad and Tobago (NRWPTT) was formed in 1995 and is a national umbrella organization comprising a membership of over 60 small businesses and individuals. Their vision is to be a national umbrella body promoting rural women issues and empowering women to enhance their economic and social well- being.

The National Union of Domestic Employees (N.U.D.E.)
Tribute to Clotil Walcott:


Organization for Abused and Battered Individuals (O.A.B.I.) was founded in 2008 by Sherna Alexander Benjamin.  The organization exists to address the needs of all women, girls, men and boys, within Trinidad and Tobago, the Caribbean and Latin America. While the organization work with every one, particular interest is placed on working with women and girls, persons who are at risk, have been victims of, or are victims of CSA, DV, SA, and GBV and persons who live in depressed and rural communities.!who-we-are/c1pf3



PSI-Caribbean is one of 69 country programs within the global network of Population Services International (PSI). It is based in Port of Spain and working across twelve English-speaking islands of the Eastern Caribbean. PSI’s World headquarters is in Washington, D.C. with a European office in Amsterdam. It is a global health organization dedicated to improving the health of people in the developing world by focusing on serious challenges like a lack of family planning, HIV and AIDS, barriers to maternal health, and the greatest threats to children under five, including malaria, diarrhoea, pneumonia and malnutrition. Their Got It? Get it campaign is a youth oriented, Caribbean-flavoured branded campaign that has the ultimate goal of empowering Caribbean youth to take responsibility for their sexual health.


Random Acts of Good Deeds (RAGD) champions youth leadership and encourages social responsibility. RAGD partners with other NGOs and social programmes that uplift and assist others physically and emotionally.

Rape Crisis Society of Trinidad and Tobago (RCS) was established to address the issues of sexual and domestic violence, particularly as they impact on the most vulnerable members of society, through counselling and public education and is a focal point for active work towards change in all areas affecting these issues.



The Silver Lining Foundation
The Silver Lining Foundation is a youth led Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) acting to serve the interests of the youths of Trinidad & Tobago and the Caribbean region, as a whole. The organization primarily acts as a guardian body for marginalized youths seeking to prevent suicide and discrimination. The focus, while on bullying and discrimination, is centred on youth with regards to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) issues and those of Gender Identity & Expression.​

Single Mothers Association of Trinidad and Tobago
This is a safe space where "Single" Mothers can connect with one another, exchange ideas, challenges, tips and successes.


Trinidad and Tobago Association of Responsible Persons (TTARP) provides services for retired persons in T&T. It facilitates mature citizens (persons 50 years and older) to access benefita they may not have enjoyed before.

Trinidad and Tobago Institute for Women in Leadership (TTIWIL), formerly the Network Training Centre was envisioned as a center of excellence for women’s access to a potential source of relevant and useful information – for enhancing women’s transformational leadership and ability to participate in decision-making, to defend their rights as well as for action to promote their social, political and economic advancement.

Trinidad Youth Council
Trinidad Youth Council an all-inclusive, non-partisan, non-governmental, non discriminatory, youth led, youth oriented, youth structured national youth movement aimed to synchronize youth development at the grassroots and wider community level. Its initiatives are derived directly from the people who make up its ranks.





WOMANTRA is a Caribbean-based, Diasporic feminist group geared toward producing counter-narratives to mainstream discourses, around what is important, newsworthy or a feminist issue. We do this by posting material from woman-centered and feminist blogs and websites, paying attention to intersectionality - particularly race, individual stories and experiences, sharing scholastic and activist opportunities and supporting each other’s scholarship and activism.

Women. Everywhere
Mission statement: “Share. Inspire. Empower” is a call to action: each one of us has a role to play in contributing towards the best possible quality of life for Women and girls today. By sharing our individual stories, we have the chance to inspire, to heal and above all, to open the doors to our collective Empowerment.​

Women’s Institute for Alternative Development (WINAD) is a women's organization committed to strengthening the capacity and social consciousness of women and girls to lead social transformation in Trinidad and Tobago. WINAD's programs enable women and girls to explore and embrace an alternative leadership framework which integrates the collective genius of all the people. 412270812218785/timeline

Women Working for Social Progress(Working Women) (founded in 1985) mission is to create positive spaces for women, primarily, but also men and children, of all ethnicities and social groups in T&T to improve their own lives and to bring about positive change in their communities and their country. We will accomplish this through advocacy campaigns, education programmes and support systems, guided by our core values of equitable access to economic resources and decision-making, non-violence, and mutual support.



Young Men's Christian Association Tobago

Young Men's Christian Association(YMCA) of Trinidad and Tobago is a values based human development organisation operating in Trinidad & Tobago.

Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA) of Trinidad and Tobago is a non-profit, non-denominational and non-governmental organization which has been providing service to the people of Trinidad and Tobago since 1943. We are committed to the empowerment of women, girls and youth and we are part of an international movement in 125 countries around the world.










International Organizations in T&T

The UNAIDS Caribbean Sub-regional Office is responsible for the 16 Caribbean countries that are member states of the United Nations. All 16 countries have reported on the status of their HIV epidemic. The UNAIDS team offers the Caribbean the broad expertise of cosponsors and other UN organisations in areas such as program development and management, women and child health, education, legal networking, community care initiatives and resource mobilisation. The goal is an expanded response to HIV in the region with the world’s second highest HIV prevalence.

United Nations Association of Trinidad & Tobago (UNATT) is a voluntary non-profit organization established to advance the objectives of human development, the promotion and maintenance of peace and respect for human rights and is open to individuals who are 18 years and over.

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) aims to create an enabling environment where the Government has the capacities for inclusive and sustainable human development; meet the national commitments. UNDP has been in Trinidad and Tobago for over fifty years, its office was established in 1961 and since then it has introduced several programmes to assist in development, and established many institutions to facilitate national growth. UNDP Trinidad and Tobago is also responsible for Aruba, Curacao and Sint Maarten.

United Nations Volunteer (UNV) Programme in Trinidad and Tobago can take you on a journey to learn about the rewarding nature of volunteering in general and the remarkable achievements of the UNV Programme in T&T.






















Alternative lists 

For comprehensive lists of NGOs in Trinidad and Tobago and the region go to:

The NGO Caribbean Development Foundation (NCDF) is a regional organization incorporated to make its contribution towards the development of NGOs in the Caribbean region, and campaigns for change on various human rights issues in the region. It was incorporated in Trinidad & Tobago in 2007,  as such it is based in Trinidad.

T&T NGO News and T&T NGOs on facebook