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2018. D. McFee Narratives, the State and National Gender Policies in the Anglophone Caribbean: Dominica and Trinidad & Tobago. In G. J. Hosein, & J. Parpart, Negotiating Gender, Policy and Politics in the Caribbean: Feminist Strategies, Masculinist Resistance and Transformational Possibilities (pp. 109-130). London: Rowman & Littlefield.
2018. Nixon Manuscript in Progress – Working Title: “The Paradox of Difference:Transformative Politics and Sexual Freedom in the Caribbean.”
2018. “Securing Caribbean Futures through A Sexual Culture of Justice Transformation through Creativity, Healing, and Cultural Practices. Caribbean In/Securities and Creativity (CARISCC) Conference. Kingston, Jamaica 15-16 January 2018 A. Nixon
2018. “Are We There Yet”: Contemporary Struggles for Gender Justice and the Legacy of Caribbean Feminisms”, Session – Rethinking Feminist Knowledge: Voices from the Global South, Tuesday July 17th 2018, Conference – XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology (July 15-21, 2018) S. Barratt.
2017. “Running Against the Wind: Socialist Politics in the 21st Caribbean.” International Stuart Hall Conference. Institute of Caribbean Studies, Mona Campus. June 1, 2017 A. Sanata. Gender and Policy Development. Professor Michelle Rowley; Deborah McFee
2015. D. McFee “Opportunities for Integrating Gender as a Cross-Cutting Concern in the United Nations Multi-Country Sustainable Development Framework”. Panel Expert- UN Multi Country Sustainable Development Framework. November 13, 2015.
2015. Mohammed, Patricia (2015) “Gender Equality and Gender Policy Making in the Caribbean” in Public Administration and Policy in the Caribbean, edited by Indiana D. Minto-Coy (Deputy Director, Mona Centre for ICT and Telecommunications Policy Studies (Mona ICT), and Evan Berman, Mona School of Business & Management University of the West Indies, Jamaica) Taylor and Francis.
2014. Nixon, Angelique (2014). “Calling for Justice – In Solidarity with Trinidad’s Highway Reroute Movement.” Feminist Conversations on Caribbean Life. Code Red for Gender Justice. 5 Oct 2014. Web.
2014. Nixon, Angelique (2014). “Calling for Justice – In Solidarity with Trinidad’s Highway Reroute Movement.” Feminist Conversations on Caribbean Life. Code Red for Gender Justice. 5 Oct 2014. Web. Mohammed, Patricia (2015)
2019-2020. “Advancing Partnerships Toward Gender Responsive Budgeting in T&T Under the project CSOs for Good Governance: Enhancing civil society’s contribution to governance and development processes in Trinidad and Tobago, the IGDS was awarded a small grant of $50,000 TT to conduct work on “Advancing Partnerships Toward Gender Responsive Budgeting in T&T.” Researchers: Dr. Gabrielle Hosein and Tricia Basdeo. 2020.
2019-2020.Gender Responsive Budgeting Pilot with the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development” Researchers: Dr. Gabrielle Hosein and Tricia Basdeo (expected completion August 2019 - in preparation for national budget 2019/20).
2017-2018. Gender Mainstreaming in the Caribbean for UNECLA. The overall objective of the consultancy was to prepare a paper that provides an assessment of how Caribbean countries are mainstreaming gender in national development planning. CSOs for Good Governance – European Grant in partnership with United Way, CANARI, Network of NGOs, WINAD and Environment Tobago Researchers: Dr. Gabrielle Hosein and Tricia Basdeo | March 2017 to February 2018.
2011-2012. Development of a National Gender Policy for the British Virgin Islands The STA Unit was asked by the Office of Gender Affairs, Ministry of Health & Social Development of the British Virgin Islands to conduct a workshop in November 2010 in the development and implementation of a National Gender Policy for the Government of the British Virgin Islands. Workshops were conducted with Media Workers, Public Officers and National Consultations. Lead Authors/Consultants – Prof. Patricia Mohammed with Prof. Jane Parpart, Ms. Deborah McFee, and Ms. Gaietry Pargass, Attorney-at-Law. The first completed draft of the BVI National Policy for Gender Equity and Equality was submitted on 22 October 2011; The final draft of the policy was submitted in April 2012.
2018. IGDS and Interclub of Trinidad and Tobago Panel Discussion on the theme Press for Gender Justice”. Four areas formed the basis of the panel discussion; these are Economic Justice, Peace Security and Justice, Sexual Justice and Ecological Justice. 2018.
2017. “Budget for Gender Justice: Make Households Matter to the House!” Chaired by Dr Gabrielle Hosein with panelists Dr. Marlene Attzs, Dr. Kerron King, Dr. Oscar Ocho and Mrs. Carolyn Seepersad-Bachan and Feature Speaker Minister of Planning and Development, Hon. Camille Regis- Robinson. 2017. Ms. Terry Ince, Gender and Human Rights Advocate Consultation for input for a shadow report for the Convention on the Elimination on all form of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). 2017.
2016. Reflecting on Gender and Politics in the 2015 General Election Campaign CHAIR: Gabrielle Hosein, Lecturer, IGDS, UWI. Panellists: Colin Robinson, Allies for Justice and Diversity. Jowelle de Souza, Parliamentary candidate for San Fernando West. Senator Khadijah Ameen, Acting Chairman of the UNC. Sabrina Mowlah-Baksh, Former Deputy Mayor, San Fernando City Corporation and UNC Political Activist. Nafeesa Mohammed, Former Deputy Political Leader of the PNM (with responsibility for policy matters). Terry Ince, Trinidad and Tobago Institute for Women in Leadership (TTIWiL). Luke Sinnette, Allies for Justice and Diversity. April 27, 2016
2015. Dr. A Nixon Presented at roundtable panel titled Redefining Freedom and Sexual Justice in the Caribbean, American Studies Association Conference. Toronto, Canada. 8-10 October 2015
2015. A Nixon. The Problem of Human Rights and Gender Equity Discourses – Movements for Gender and Sexual Justice in the Caribbean Caribbean Studies Association Conference. New Orleans, USA, May 25 2015.
2015. P Mohammed. Crossing Boundaries: Gender, Practice, Policy - Caribbean Intransit Roundtable Caribbean Studies Association Conference. New Orleans, USA, May 27 2015.
2014. R Reddock Book Presentation –Review article of - Tools of Justice by Kalpana Kannabiran, at Author Meets Critics Session ISA World Congress of Sociology, International Sociological Association Yokohama, Japan, July 15 2014
2014. G Hosein Social protest, visibility and claiming space for development in Trinidad and Tobago (and Hebe Verrest) Centre for Latin America Research and Documentation (CEDLA) Conference The Visible City Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 9 2014.
2014. G Hosein Sexual Rights and the Limits of Gender Mainstreaming Strategies to Advance Gender Justice in the Anglophone Caribbean American Anthropological Association Conference UWI St. Augustine, Trinidad, December 3, 2014.
2014. A Nixon. The Problem of Human Rights and Gender equity Discourses – Movements for Gender and Sexual Justice in the Caribbean Caribbean Studies Association Conference. New Orleans, USA, May 25 2014.
2014. R Reddock. Book Presentation –Review article of - Tools of Justice by Kalpana Kannabiran, at Author Meets Critics Session ISA World Congress of Sociology, International Sociological Association Yokohama, Japan, July 15 2014
2014. G Hosein Sexual Rights and the Limits of Gender Mainstreaming Strategies to Advance Gender Justice in the Anglophone Caribbean American Anthropological Association Conference UWI St. Augustine, Trinidad, December 3, 2014
2014. P Mohammed Crossing Boundaries: Gender, Practice, Policy - Caribbean Intransit Roundtable Caribbean Studies Association Conference. New Orleans, USA, May 27 2014
2014. P Mohammed “City on the Hill” – Documentary Film Screening Caribbean Studies Association Conference. New Orleans, USA, May 28 2014
2018. Gender Training of Gender Focal Points throughout the public service at the Gender Affairs Division, Office of the Prime Minister A series of capacity building workshops for Gender Focal Points throughout the public service. Facilitators: Lead: Patricia Mohammed, Prof of Gender and Cultural Studies, and Ms. Deborah McFee, Outreach and Research Officer, IGDS. 2018.
2017. Pre-Budget Capacity Building Workshop Designed to deepen the content of the scorecard research project. I.e. To identify relevant sectors to inform data sets and to solicit the needs and roles of partner organizations in the scorecard project. 2017.
2013. Celise Patrick Alfred – MSc in Gender and Development – ‘Economic Empowerment and Government Programming in Gender and Development: A Review of the Women in Harmony Project’, on Wednesday, February 8th 2011, Supervisor: Ms. Deborah McFee. 2013.
2012. Ms. McFee serves on the Technical Committee in support of the National Gender Policy of T&T as of December 2011 Dr. Pangsapq serves as Cabinet Appointed Committee Representative to the Ministry of Gender, Youth and Child Development for the National Policy on Gender and Development of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, December 2011 – April 2012.