Institute for Gender and Development Studies

Welcome NEW and CONTINUING undergraduate students!

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2023-2024 Semester I Courses Offered_0.jpg

Semester I - Courses on offer 

  1. GEND 1103 | AR11C 
    Introduction to Women’s Studies: Theoretical Concepts and Sources of Knowledge
    Level I, 3 Credits
  2. GEND 2203 | AR22C 
    Feminist Theoretical Frameworks
    Level II, 3 Credits
  3. GEND 3501 
    Philosophy of Gender
    Undergraduate Level: Level III, 3 Credits
  4. GEND 2109 
    Social Media and Gender

    Level II / III — 3 Credits
  5. SOCI 3039 | GEND 3039 
    Gender and Development with Reference to Caribbean Society
    Level III, 3 Credits
  6. HIST 3003 | GEND 3003 | H30C
    Women and Gender in the History of the English-Speaking Caribbean (n/o) 
    Level III, 3 Credits
  7. AGEX 3003 | GEND 3004 | AX39A  
    Gender Issues in Agriculture

    Level III, 3 Credits




Semester II - Courses on offer 

  1. GEND 2013  | AR20M
    Men and Masculinities in the Caribbean
    Level II  |  3 Credits
  2. GEND 2025
    Women and Work in the Global Economy
    Level II   |  3 Credits  |  No pre-requisites
  3. GEND 2104
    Cinema and Gender
    Level II  |  3 Credits
  4. GEND 3031
    Sex, Gender and Society: Sociological Perspectives
    Level III  |  3 Credits  |  No pre-requisites
  5. GEND 3038  | GEND 3038
    Gender, Ethnicity and Class: Issues of Identity, Nation and Citizen
    Level III   |  3 Credits  |  No pre-requisites

    Please double-check the current rollout to ensure the course will be offered in a particular academic year. 








About the IGDS and Gender Studies with Dr Gabrielle Hosein






Undergraduate Studies with Dr Sue Ann Barratt













"When I took IGDS courses at UWI, my experience was enhanced. Coming from a society where many misconceptions exist, being able to get to the heart of common social issues and gain better knowledge was enlightening."
BSc student
Criminology and Criminal Justice


"Gender studies not only taught me how gender impacts every single aspect of our lives but it gave me the necessary tools that I need, to critique and understand oppressive power relations as well as to examine social injustices and work towards creating effective change within society."


"As a migrant, I came in here and I was welcomed off the bat. I was included in projects. I was asked for my different interest levels. They worked around that to really ensure that I had a holistic experience. What the Institute does is, it caters to your needs, as a student."


"During my time at UWI, I learned new skills, learned valuable life lessons, and made new friends. Through the IGDS, my commitment to gender equality was reaffirmed, and my activism abilities were honed. As an IGDS postgrad student, I've been given opportunities. It's an honor to be able to carry on a rich tradition of Caribbean feminist scholarship and action."  


"When I took IGDS courses at UWI, my experience was enhanced. Coming from a society where many misconceptions are frequent, being able to get to the heart of common societal issues and gain a better knowledge was enlightening. "Don't be afraid to fight for what you believe in, even if it means doing it alone.” BSc Criminology and Criminal Justice, Class of 2020