Institute for Gender and Development Studies

IGDS offers informal and engaging short courses during the summer months. We encourage students from all areas of study and the general public  to join us. No previous experience is necessary to register. All interested persons may apply.

IGDS offers undergraduate and graduate summer courses. Not all undergraduate courses are offered each year. Look out for and advertising on the UWI online portals or contact us for information. Graduate summer courses are offered every other year.

For more information  E:



Facilitation: Tools and Practices for Social Justice

A capacity-building workshop with Ms Nadine Lewis-Agard was designed to equip participants with core facilitation skills for working with diverse audiences. February 24 – March 19, 2022. Participants: learnt how facilitation differs from teaching, lecturing, moderating or preaching; explored elements of safe space building for workshops and interactive learning sessions; gained an understanding of how to promote the use of experiential learning techniques through a psycho-educational model - preparing presentations, content, and activities; reconciled facilitation tools with topics; gained a greater understanding of online and virtual tools; and gained practical co-facilitation skills, understand challenges and debriefing for evaluation.


March 27 – April 1, 2023

Social Policy-Making: Gender Equity, Diversity and Inclusion for the 21st Century Workplace  

6 Modules | 5 days | Face to Face delivery
Lead Facilitator: Dr Deborah McFee, Outreach and Research Officer, IGDS. Location: The UWI St Augustine Campus. 
Download the PDFRegister online to save your spot

Description: This short course on Social Policy Making will focus on the policy process inherent in making organizations responsive to issues of gender and diversity in the workplace. It will equip participants with a clear understanding of gender equity, diversity and inclusion and how strategic policymaking and responses have been built on these concepts. Additionally, the course unpacks the benefits to be accrued to 21st-century organizations by strategically integrating essential analysis tools to facilitate effective framing and leveraging of gender sensitivity, diversity and inclusivity in their current forms. Sessions will include interactive workshops, group work, and presentations by facilitators and special guest speakers. Participants will be urged to reflect on their engagement and non-engagement with the course's core concepts. Deliberation on the competitive advantage afforded to organizations committed to addressing diversity, inclusion and gender equity as policy priorities will be encouraged.




Key Issues in Gender and Transformation in the Caribbean

Open to all during the summer seession.
The course is designed as a series thematic lectures and workshops with related key readings and materials that offer professional training in the areas of Gender and Development Studies.
Key Issues include the following topics: Sexualities and Social Justice; Intersectionality; Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights; Human Rights and Sustainable Development; Education and COVID-19; Work Life Balance and COVID-19; Gender Based Violence; Migration and Displacement; Food Security and Climate Change; among others. These topics will be addressed through online lectures, discussions and course materials. Related issues will also emerge through discussions and workshops. Students will identify a key issue as their area of research for the course and engage contemporary issues related to gender and transformation in the region. Students will work on various assignments reflecting on the topics and engage in peer review and individual presentations. Students will also write short impact papers on the significance of their research topic or an area of advocacy/concern and how it addresses a problem and aims for transformation in the Caribbean.

Women, Men, Gender and Law

facilitated by Ms Beverly Samuel, Attorney-at-Law
This short course will focus on topics such as Custody Rights, Estate Planning, Rape and Incest, Domestic Violence and Matrimonial Property and for the first time this year we introduce Legal Concerns for Domestic Violence and Shelter Management. Come and learn about rights and how to negotiate the legal system in Trinidad and Tobago.
DURATION: 6 sessions, 3 weeks, 3-hour sessions Thursdays 4:00–7:00 PM Saturdays 10:00AM–1:00PM, 15, 17, 22, 24, 29 and 31 July. 
Please download and share the PDF Infographic with all informatiion. 


Diverse Genders and Sexualities in the Caribbean

Facilitators: Dr Angelique V Nixon & Mr Colin Robinson, Sexual Culture of Justice Project
Guest Speakers: Kamala Kempadoo, Rosamond S. King, Nikoli Attai & Tracy Robinson
This course has been developed as an activity of the Sexual Culture of Justice Project and in partnership with the Caribbean IRN and will feature key outputs of the project.
Course Description: This is a short course on Caribbean sexualities with a focus on LGBTQI+ experiences and research in the Caribbean. It will address topics such  as sex, gender and sexuality, Caribbean sexuality studies, sexual and queer politics, and diverse genders an  sexualities. The course will also offer engaging discussion and learning on regional LGBTQI+ activism and advocacy and navigating Caribbean cultural and legal landscapes. Finally, the course will include guest speakers who will present on a range of issues such as transgressive sexualities, sex work and labour, and sexual rights and justice in the Caribbean. Sessions will be held online using zoom and be very interactive using online technologies and time for discussion and group work as well as presentations by facilitators and special guest speakers.
This course has been developed as an activity of the Sexual Culture of Justice Project and in partnership with the Caribbean IRN and will feature key outputs of the project.

  1. Understanding Sex, Gender, and Sexuality - Concepts & Contexts | Intersectionality
  2. Critical Sexuality Studies | Caribbean Queer Studies | Sexual and Queer Politics
  3. Transgressive Sexualities and Genders | The Body, Personhood, Representation | Working Towards a Sexual Culture of Justice
  4. Sexual Rights and Justice in the Caribbean | Regional LGBTQI+ Advocacy & Activism | Navigating Cultural and Legal Landscapes
  5. The Problem of Sex: Work, Labour, Trafficking and Silences | Sex Work Activism
  6. Transformational Leadership and Human Rights Activism | LGBTQI+ Community Building and Empowerment | Social Justice Coalition Building



Women, Men, Gender and the Law

Facilitated by Attorney-at-Law Ms Beverly Samuel
This six session short course is designed for members of the general public who wish to have a greater understanding of their rights and wish to learn how to negotiate the legal system in Trinidad and Tobago. Come and learn about your rights and how to negotiate the legal system in Trinidad & Tobago. Sessions include:

  • Custody rights
  • Estate Planning
  • Rape and Incest
  • Domestic Violence
  • Matrimonial Property


Human Resources Management & Gender Equity in the Workplace

This two-day course is targetted to Managers and Human Resource Practitioners and is designed for Human Resource practitioners and interested persons. Learn about the impact of Gender-Based Violence on the workforce and develop practical tools and policies for the workplace. It will focus on strategies and structures for 21st Century leaders to:

  • Understand Gender Equality as a business imperative
  • Develop practical tools to address the impact of Gender-Based Violence on the workplace
  • To improve the Gender Sensitivity of decision-making processes within organizations


The Philosophy of "Judith Butler"

Facilitated by Gunder Werner
The philosophy of “Judith Butler” is designed for graduate students and those interested in Feminist Philosophy. It will focus on the work of Judith Butler and the critical lens that gender brings to philosophy.  Butler is a renowned theorist who has transformed scholarship in the social sciences and humanities. This is the first  time the UWI St. Augustine’s is offering an entire short course on her thinking and work. Topics include:

  • Main works of Judith Butler and philosophical approach
  • Gender Theory and intersectional analysis
  • Contexutalized perspective and current challenges
  • Embodiment and Vulnerability – a Feminist Perspective

Gender, Feminism & Religion: Contemporary Questions

Facilitated by Gunder Werner
Gender, Feminism and  Religion:  Contemporary Questions is designed for students and the general public who wish to have a deeper understanding of the engagement between feminisms and religions, and the field of feminist theology. This short course is a must for those interested in the significance of gender to questions of theology and spirituality across the world today. Topics include:

  • Gender Theories and Feminism
  • Religion and Gender
  • Biblical Readings in Feminist Perspective
  • Church Teachings



Women, Gender and Law
with Mrs. Avian Joseph, Attorney-at-Law
7 Sessions. 21 contact hours
Wed 31, May 2017 through Friday 9, June, 2017, 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM daily

This seven session short course is designed for members of the general public who wish to have a greater understanding of their rights and how to negotiate the legal system in Trinidad and Tobago as it pertains to custody rights, estate planning and gender-based violence. Topics will include:

  • The Cohabitational Relationship Act
  • Matrimonial Property
  • Estate Planning
  • Custody Matters
  • Domestic Violence
  • Rape and Incest
  • Financial Literacy in times of Transition


Data Collection and Research for Development Practice:
Considering Gender and Making People Visible

July 25, 26, 27, 2017, 10:00 am – 2:30 pm
This three-day short course is designed for members of the general public who wish to have a deeper understanding of how to effectively and efficiently collect and analyse data within the Trinidad and Tobago context. Cancelled 



Women, Gender and Health
with Dr. Oscar Noel Ocho, Director, School of Nursing, The UWI, Mt Hope Campus
Seven sessions. Starts Tuesday 11, July. Continues on to Wednesday 19, July, 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM daily
This seven session short course is designed to provided health professionals and other stakeholders with perspectives that would influence their attitudes and behavior to health and health systems. Topics include:

  • Gender, Socialization, Culture and Health Considerations in the Caribbean
  • Gender, Health and Health Systems
  • Health Information, Communication and Gendered Messaging
  • Gender and Mental Health
  • Gender Based Violence and Health
  • Gender and Development and Youth Health Needs
  • Panel discussion assignment





Speaking Equitably: Non-Sexist Language in Public Life

Two-Day Short Course
with Dr. Sue Ann Barratt and Co-facilitator Amilcar Sanatan
This course is designed to expand understanding about language use and the sexist implications of such use. Its purpose is to bring equality of treatment to all and to achieve this through the language used in the professional sphere. Not only does it encourage discussion of everyday language use in the work environment but it guides participants through a process of interrogating their language use and modifying it to meet non-sexist guidelines. In addition, and most importantly, we dedicate time in this course to discuss and problematize attitudes to language use and their meanings. This course is crucial because, with very few exceptions, recognition of language that may be deemed sexist appears minimal as sexist language use is not continuously salient to the speaker.


Men, Rights and Justice
with Dr. Levi Gahman
5 sessions | 15 contact hours
This discussion-based course will provide a foundation of critical thought on men and masculinity by addressing the following questions:

  • How do concerns of equality, rights, and social justice relate to men?
  • What issues do men face in regard to fatherhood, being young, and being in a relationship?
  • What social norms exist for men (and how were they developed?) in the areas of family, school, work, health, sports, politics, spirituality, and the media?
  • What significance does history, culture, and the economy have upon men and masculinity?
  • How do race, class, gender, ability, sexuality, nationality, and age impact notions and expectations of 'manhood' and masculinity?
  • What role does marginalization, discrimination, oppression, crime, and violence play in the lives of men?

Women, Gender and the Law
with Beverly Samuel, Attorney-at-Law
7 Sessions. 21 contact hours
This seven session short course is designed for members of the general public who wish to have a greater understanding of their rights and how to negotiate the legal system in Trinidad and Tobago as it pertains to custody rights, estate planning and gender-based violence.

Advanced Research Writing
with Dr. Angelique V. Nixon
Four sessions | twelve contact hours
This is a short course designed to assist postgraduate students in developing their research writing skills. It includes instruction and practice in academic research and writing strategies. The objectives are to critically use scholarly sources and effectively integrate source material into a complex argument. The course focuses on developing strong critical reading and writing skills through recursive writing and thinking activities and short writing assignments.



One Day Media Workshop
Looking In, Looking Out: Gender in the News

with facilitators: Prof. Valerie Youssef and Dr. Sue Ann Barratt
This workshop is designed to respond to the desire expressed by Caribbean journalists to hone their analytical and writing skills in such a way as to represent gender issues accurately and to avoid misrepresenting them through learned techniques which produce sensationalist texts which are biased and damaging.

At the end of this workshop participants should be able to:

  • Identify gender identities in the Caribbean context;
  • Interrogate the role of media in gender portrayal;
  • Evaluate journalistic pieces;
  • Produce balanced texts which attract the reader for their accuracy.



IGDS Four-Week Short Course, Critical Sexuality Studies: Theory and Practice, July 8 - 31, 2013. The course on sexuality theory and research methodologies relevant to the Anglophone Caribbean included an overview of the field and addressed topics such as Research Methodologies, the Social Construction of Sexual Identities, Men and Masculinity, Sexuality in Politics and Public Policy and Sexual Rights. Sessions included discussion and group work as well as lectures. Participants came from Trinidad and Tobago as well as Barbados via Skype.

Instructors included: John Campbell, UWI St. Augustine; Alison Donnell, University of Reading; Rosamond S. King, Brooklyn College; Angileque Nixon, Susquehanna University; and Colin Robinson, CAISO, T&T. 
Downloads: Programme (updated July 11th)  |  Poster  | Registration Form (pdf)  | (Word)





Three-day Short Course
Sexuality Studies: North American and Caribbean Contexts
with Juan Battle, Professor of Sociology, Public Health & Urban Education at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY)
This course will introduce participants to LBGT/Queer Studies in North America and think through its implications for the Caribbean. Participants will gain an understanding of the Social, Political and Academic Contexts and Movements shaping LBGT/Queer Studies. Further, participants will investigate outcomes of the LBGT/Queer Studies project as an academic domain and political practice. Focus will be on the emergence of the field, important considerations in its development academically and politically, as well as current and future directions. Participants will be invited to discuss their current research projects on sexualities. (Open to all graduate students and faculty with interest in sexuality studies, queer studies, and transgender studies.)



Intensive Summer Course
Doing Ethnography:  The Poetics and Politics of Qualitative Research

with Diana Fox, Professor of Anthropology, Bridgewater State College, MA, USA
Three weeks, Tuesday and Thursday evenings | August 6th, 11th, 13th. 18th. 20th, 2009
3 hour sessions: 6 to 9 p.m.
This intensive course will provide participants with an in-depth knowledge of the various methodologies used in ethnographic research, including gender analysis. It will also expose participants to the human and political challenges of field-work.




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