How to Register for Co-Curricular Courses


Online Registration

Step 1 – Choose Your Courses

Click here to understand the requirements for each Co-curricular course and decide which ones you would like to do.

Step 2 – Check the Timetable

Click here to check the student online timetable to see which class times would be most appropriate for you.

Step 3 – Register Online
  1. Register online by going to
  2. Select your campus and login using your 8-digit or 9-digit student registration ID number and password. 
  3. Click on MySecureArea and register for your courses.

Download our Banner Student User Manual if you need further guidance on Registering Online.


If you exceed your credit limit you must request an override from your faculty.


To Request an override

  1. Select the Co-curricular Course Code from the drop down menu
  2. Type in a reason.
  3.  the override request by clicking on Submit Request.


For more information on faculty override, click on the following link Faculty Override Manual.

Keep checking Banner to see if your override request has been approved. Once the override request is approved, you will be

automatically registered for the course, so be sure to check the system regularly to confirm your registration.


Please note the following details:

  • The “Section” codes are what differentiate the fully online classes from in-class teaching as well as registered UWI students from Graduate students and external candidates.
  • To register for online courses, please ensure that you select the CRN associated with the section codes below.

S01 - UWI UG Students
GRS  -  UWI Graduate Students
NCO -  Non-UWI Staff
SCO  -  UWI Staff

Please Note: Graduate Students who wish to register for Co-curricular courses no longer have to submit overrides. Instead, they can register under GRS section code for ALL Co-curricular courses EXCEPT Microsoft courses (FGR).


You are now registered for your Co-curricular course!

Attend your classes or sessions!


If you have any questions or problems relating to Co-curricular Course Registration please contact us by clicking on the Contact Us Tab at the top of this page.