Institute for Gender and Development Studies

Semester I  [Sept – Dec 2022]

Wednesday 23rd November 2022
Filling the Gaps: Evidence-Based Advocacy to End Child Sexual Abuse and Gender-Based Violence
Venue: Daaga Auditorium, The UWI, St Augustine Campus
A partnership between the Bankers Association and the Institute for Gender and Development Studies (IGDS), The UWI St. Augustine Campus.
Background: A Memorandum of Understanding was signed in November 2021 between the Institute for Gender and Development Studies (IGDS) UWI STA and The Bankers Association of Trinidad and Tobago (BATT). The focus of the MOU is on deepening the longstanding Break the Silence: End Child Sexual Abuse initiative, which is central to the IGDS St Augustine’s work. This phase of the project is focused on building the responsiveness of the outreach of the Break the Silence Campaign and Associated Projects to end Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) and related forms of Gender-Based Violence (GBV). An Oversight Committee will guide this work. The Committee is comprised of a cadre of multi-sectoral, interdisciplinary professionals whose presence is designed to bring relevant insight, transparency, and strategic alignment to the outputs of the MOU.

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Wednesday, 7 December 2022
12:00 Noon to 1:30 PM
Lunchtime Seminar
Domestic Violence Must Stop
Charmaine Cedeno-Alleyne
Branch President, BIGWU
Background: “Having first-hand experiences of our members becoming victims of such heinous crimes, it has become necessary for our Union to speak out against Domestic Violence and create awareness. The Banking, Insurance and General Workers Union commit to providing avenues for victims to seek help through its various arms (youth, women and general council members). BIGWU will conduct seminars, provide educational material, and send out electronic advisories to help curb the rate of these cruel acts. The Union’s uttermost goal is that of Prevention.”
Charmaine Cedeno-Alleyne






















Semester II  [January – May 2023]

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Wednesday, 11 January 2022
12:00 Noon to 1:30 PM
Lunchtime Seminar
A Safe Space to learn
with Nadine Lewis-Agard
Human and Social Development Consultant

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Wednesday 1 March
12 Noon
IGDS in collaboration with the UWI Intellectual Property Help Desk atThe Alma Jordan Library
What You Need To Know About Copyright
with Mr. Regan Asgarali, The Controller, Trinidad and Tobago Intellectual Property Office, Office of the Attorney General and Ministry of Legal Affairs
and Ms. Lyrinda Persaud, Legal Officer II of the TTIPO and certified trainer of the NIPTC
This session explores principles relating to copyright such as ownership, exceptions, infringement and remedies.

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Wednesday 8 March 2023
12:00 Noon to 2:00 PM
Special Lunchtime Seminar
in commemoration of International Women’s Day
Virtual Disinformation as Gender-Based Violence Strategies and Responses
with Ms. Christa Sankarsingh-Prevatt
Director of Fundraising, Women’s Institute for Alternative Development (WINAD)

Saturday March 11th
2:30PM - 4:30PM
IWDTT2023 Annual Women's Rights Rally & March!
Your voice matters! We are excited to see you in your T-Shirts, with your rags in hand, your banners, flyers, signs and so much more.
Come with your friends, your partner, your family and even your work crew.
Amplify your views, messages, and your organisations on March 11th at this year’s IWDTT March!

Monday 27, Tuesday 28, Wednesday 29, Friday 31, March
5:00 PM to 7:30 PM
Saturday, 1 April, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Short Course - Social Policy-Making: Gender Equity, Diversity & Inclusion for the 21st C Workplace
6 Modules | 5 days | Face to Face

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Wednesday 19 April, 2023
IGDS in partnership with The Bankers Association of Trinidad and Tobago
hosts a Lunchtime Seminar for the Break the Silence Action Research Project
Break the Silence: A Social Worker Perspective on the Silence that Surrounds Victims of Child Sexual Abuse
with Khadisha Douglas, Social Work Practitioner & Postgraduate Student in Clinical Social Work, The UWI, St Augustine Campus
Register on zoom

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Thursday, 20 April 2023 | 10:00 AM
IGDS in partnership with The Bankers Association of Trinidad and Tobago - Break the Silence: Enhancing Evidence-Based Advocacy to End Child Sexual Abuse
Join us in person for April child abuse awareness month 
"Child Sexual Abuse Interventions: How far have we come and where are we now?”
School of Education Auditorium, The UWI, St Augustine Campus

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EARTH DAY Lunchtime Seminar 
LAUNCH of the IGDS Factsheet “Gender and Climate Change” & CONVERSATION with Caribbean Climate and Gender Justice Activists 
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 2023, 1:00–2:30 PM | ZOOM 

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Graduate Research Seminars

Download the PDF with abstracts

Day 1 - Thursday 11 May, 2023 Register
PhD’s in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies
Petronetta Pierre-Robertson
Pause Between the Sentences: Discourses of Love, Romance, and Intimate Partner Violence in Trinidad 
Kathleen Belcon 
Forested Sentiment – A Feminist Transformational Approach for the Forestry Sector and Climate Security in Trinidad and Tobago

Day 2 - Friday 12 May, 2023  Register
MSc in Gender and Development Studies 
Chanel Moosan
LGBTQ+ Representation in the Digital Age: The Potential of Social Media for Activism and Visibility in Trinidad and Tobago
Chinyere Brown 
Site Seen: Visual Art, Sovereignty, and Blackness in the Anglophone Caribbean 


Semester III [May – August 2023] 

Short Course 
Women, Men, Gender and the Law

stay tuned for details




























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IGDS in partnership with the Faculty of Food and Agriculture
Be part of the #MyCaribbeanClimateAction Campaign
* Submit photos/videos
* Share your Climate actions
Areas of Focus: Climate, Gender & Food Justice 

On the PDF, there is a link to the online Submission Form.