Institute for Gender and Development Studies


Dr Sue Ann Barratt
Head of Department
St Augustine Unit

"Things become real to you when you see how it impacts real people in a real way." 

In 2006 I returned to Trinidad from my five-year stint at CARIMAC UWI Mona, driven to understand gender relations and the underlying causes of communication conflict as a precursor to GBV. I had no training in feminist thought, and I had only a naive understanding of gender as a fundamental element of human life. From the first day, I entered the IGDS, I was welcomed, accommodated, mentored, and guided by incredible women who taught me to persist with grace.

I couldn't have made a better choice of place to study and work. Fast forward through studentship to full-time academic faculty, I am now honoured to take on the role of leader, Head of the IGDS, in August 2021. After fifteen years of learning in situ, I am ready to serve the team that will carry on a profound commitment to gender justice, equity and equality. –Dr Barratt

Keeping it real
Dr Sue Ann Barratt rolls up her sleeves at IGDS
UWI Today
Oct 2021

The UWI names new University Director, IGDS
UWI News Release

November 23, 2022

IGDS Regional Coordinating Office
Message from the University Director

Diana-Fox copy_1.jpg
Professor Diana J. Fox University Director, IGDS 
We enthusiastically embrace the One UWI and its strategic plan, harmonizing our IGDS units on St. Augustine, Cave Hill, and Mona Campuses through the Regional Coordinating Office (RCO), collectively labouring together in our advocacy, consultations, training workshops, and online teaching. Championed by the Vice Chancellor, Sir Hilary Beckles, and working in tandem with the Gender Mainstreaming Committee, we crafted The UWI Gender Policy to be implemented across the Campuses. Through the support of the University Registrar, the Campus Principals and the campus faculties, we recognize that we must do the work in our backyards.



Click here for the Bilingual List of Service Providers  and Support information and downloads. This initiative was developed with support from the Pan American Development Foundation and funding by the United States Government.
Click her to go to the Caribbean Sexualities Knowledge E-Portal on diverse genders and sexualities in the Caribbean developed as part of "A Sexual Culture of Justice” Project.
The first IGDS Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on the FutureLearn platform highlights prominent global women leaders and the ways in which they exemplified the values and employed principles of feminist transformational leadership. Read more or Join the course today!


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