CLL Director (Ag)

Dr. Nicole Roberts joined the CLL in 2022 having worked as a Senior Lecturer in Spanish at the Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics for more than 10 years.

Number of years in teaching


Fun Fact

I’ve been to over 35 countries but only three continents so there’s really still quite a lot left for me to see, to do and to eat (think breakfast tacos, langoustine lunches and dim sum dinners).


PhD in Hispanic Studies, University of Birmingham

  • Postgraduate Certificate Programme in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), University of British Columbia
  • MA in Spanish and French, Florida State University
  • BA (Honours) in French and Spanish, Queen’s University



  • Afro-Hispanic Poetry
  • Race and Ethnicity
  • Foreign Language Teaching 
  • Study Abroad

Professional Memberships

  • Caribbean Studies Association 
  • Modern Languages Association



Roberts, Nicole, Armando García de la Torre and Mauricio Núñez Rodríguez, eds. Trinidad y Tobago / Cuba: Historia, Lengua y Literatura. Valencia: Aduana Vieja Press, 2018.

Lalla, Barbara, Nicole Roberts, Elizabeth Walcott-Hackshaw and Valerie Youssef, eds. Methods in Caribbean Research: Literature, Discourse, Culture. Kingston: UWI Press, 2013.

Book Chapters

Roberts, Nicole. “Re-reading Historical Forces, Religion and Culture in Mayra Santos Febres’ Fe en disfraz” in Regional Discourses on Society and History: Shaping the Caribbean, Jerome Teelucksingh and Shane Pantin, Eds., New York: Peter Lang, 2020, pp. 215-223. DOI: 10.3726/b16393

Mideros, D., Roberts, N., Palma, P., & Cardona-Villa, Natalia (2020). Aprendientes Autónomos de Español en un Contexto del Caribe Angloparlante: Estudio Fenomenológico en Trinidad y Tobago. In C. Ludwig, M.G. Tassinari, & J. Mynard (Eds.), Navigating Foreign Language Learner Autonomy (pp. 414-445). Hong Kong: Candlin & Mynard ePublishing Limited.

Articles (Refereed) 

Roberts, Nicole. “Assessing the Value and Effectiveness of Study Abroad and Exchange Programs in Foreign Language Degree Programs: A Case Study.” In International Journal of Educational Excellence, Volume 5, Number 1, 2019, pp. 15-28. Available online here.

Roberts, Nicole and Danielle Watson “Re-imagining Graduate Supervision” In The Caribbean Teaching Scholar, Volume 6, 2016, 27-42.

What her students say

“A capable and thorough supervisor who guides with tough love, or a hearty laugh and jokes – whichever you need in the moment. Glad to have her as my supervisor.”