Assistant Lecturer in French/Coordinator for French and German

Ms. Dallier joined the CLL in 2019. She is originally from France but is happy to call Trinidad and Tobago her second home. She is enthusiastic about Francophone culture and theatre.

Number of years in teaching


Fun Fact

I initially came to Trinidad and Tobago to teach for 3 months… this was 17 years ago, and I never left!


PhD (Linguistics) candidate UWI St Augustine

  • M. Phil in Teaching French as a Foreign Language ISEF (Institut Supérieur d’Etudes Francophones), University of Antilles-Guyane, Martinique. 
  • MA in Teaching French as a Foreign Language University of Toulouse Le Mirail, Toulouse, France 
  • MA in English Language, Culture and Civilization University of Toulouse Le Mirail, Toulouse, France 

Research Interests

  • Use of technology in the FL classroom
  • Beliefs and representations in FFL and their influence on teaching / learning
  • Role of the L1 in teaching / learning FFL
  • Grammar teaching
  • Theatre and didactics of FFL

Professional Memberships

  • FIPF Fédération Internationale des professeurs de français



Dallier, M. (2018) Les représentations des professeurs de FLE de Trinité-et-Tobago sur la grammaire du français.” In Les Langues Modernes « Grammaire ? Vous avez dit grammaire ? Représentations et pratiques enseignantes. », n°3. 

Translation: Representations of teachers of French as a Foreign Language from Trinidad and Tobago about French grammar

Refereed conference proceedings 

Dallier, M. (2021) Enhancing the French Language Learning Experience with the WhatsApp application. In Proceedings of the fourth edition of the International Conference “MOOCs, language learning and mobility: design, integration, reuse ». Organized by the Universities of Grenoble Alpes (FR), Alicante (ES) and the Open University (UK) together with Federazione Nazionale Insegnanti Centro di iniziativa per l’Europa (IT).  European Erasmus and project MOOC2MOVE 


Dallier, M. (2014) Le théâtre : outil d’apprentissage du français langue étrangère à l’Université des Indes Occidentales (Trinité-et-Tobago). Le français à l’université, Dec. 2014  

Translation: Theatre: a tool for learning French as a foreign language at the University of the West Indies (Trinidad and Tobago) 

What her students say

“Extremely encouraging, praises us when we get the answers right and when we are wrong she corrects and helps us in the most respectful and positive manner and is always polite.”