On March 19, 2024, the Director of the CLL, Dr. Nicole Roberts welcomed a delegation from the People’s Republic of China consisting of Her Excellency Huang Xiaowei, Head of Delegation; His Excellency Fang Qiu, Ambassador; Mr. Wang Yulin, Director-General of International Department of the Communist Party of China (IDCPC); Ms. Zhao Yan, Director of IDCPC; Ms. Gao Hao, Secretary of Her Excellency Huang Xiaowei; Ms. Shi Meiqi, interpreter; and Mr. Meng Hongyu, Third Secretary of IDCPC. Campus Principal, Professor Rose-Marie Belle Antoine; Deputy Principal, Professor Indar Ramnarine; Campus Registrar, Dr Dawn-Marie De Four-Gill; and the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Education, Professor Elizabeth Walcott-Hackshaw were also in attendance for this official visit.

The hour-long visit commenced with a brief meeting to discuss UWI-China relations, followed by a tour of the Confucius Institute and the CLL, culminating with a few student performances. Students studying Mandarin Chinese as a foreign language requirement in their degree program, and those studying for personal and/or professional reasons, were delighted to showcase their language proficiency through poetry, a video presentation and digital art. At the end of the visit, Her Excellency expressed her heartfelt appreciation to the students and the unwavering dedication of The UWI and the CLL to Mandarin Chinese education in Trinidad and Tobago.

Special thanks to the students of Level 1B and 2B Chinese (online) and CHIN 1007.