Why study Yoruba?

Yoruba is a language that embodies the rich cultural heritage and identity of over 60 million people. It gives meaning to their spoken and unspoken culture, cultural heritage and identities.

Learning Yoruba will therefore afford you the opportunity to develop a better understanding of this culture and cultural heritage, which have been passed down to us by our ancestors and which are evidenced by our cuisine, values, belief systems, dress, cultural and artistic creativity as expressed during carnival through calypso, steel pan and dance. Finally, as the world is increasingly becoming a global village, understanding and speaking Yoruba will afford you the opportunity to connect with other Yoruba-speakers across the globe for different positive aims and purposes.

COURSE details

Highly interactive delivery which integrates print and electronic media with a focus on communicative activities involving speaking, listening, writing, grammar and culture.

The Yoruba people and their language reflect a culture which shows and pays reverence to elders, people and constitutional authorities. These values are developed among learners of the language. By respecting one another we create a safe environment and place for each other.